Every special person in our lives has a birthday once a year. When you look at it that way, that’s a lot of birthday wishes to send. Some folks seem to have a knack…
Birthday Flower Care Flower Facts Flower Information Meaning & Symbolism New Baby Seasonal Spring
March Birth Flowers: Daffodils & Jonquils
Are you or a loved one a March baby? Then you may be wondering, “What is the March birth flower?” Well, we have good news, friends: those born in March can claim two flowers…
Let’s face it, coming up with ideas for dates can be hard, especially first dates. Do you play it safe and grab a coffee? Or take a risk and opt for something more adventurous?…
Birthday Flower Facts Flower Information Focal Flowers Meaning & Symbolism New Baby Winter
February Birth Flowers: Violet and Primrose
The custom of birth month flowers is an ancient one, and typically each month is represented by two flowers. This provides a multitude of ways for celebrants to identify with a birth month flower,…
Birthday Flower Care Flower Facts Flower Information Meaning & Symbolism Orchids Winter
Aquarius Birth Flower: Orchid
Every zodiac sign has a birth flower, and Aquarius is no exception. Those born between January 20 and February 18 can call the orchid their own. With beautiful flowers and an interesting growth form,…
Are you dreaming of your wedding day set within the frosty season? We can’t blame you. Celebrating your special day in a winter wonderland presents a fun, creative challenge matching winter wedding dresses to…
Birthday Carnations Flower Care Flower Facts Flower Information Focal Flowers Meaning & Symbolism New Baby
January Birth Flowers: Carnation & Snowdrop
When you think of January, you may think of cold mornings, New Year’s resolutions, or forgetting what year it is. But those born in January will be happy to know that their birth month…
Birthday Flower Care Flower Facts Flower Information Meaning & Symbolism Winter
Capricorn Birth Flower: Pansy
Stalwart, humble Capricorns are the first of the winter babies, born in the weeks following winter solstice, between December 22 and January 19. Though their birthdays fall amidst a flurry of big holidays, quiet…
Birthday Flower Care Flower Facts Flower Information Focal Flowers New Baby Winter
December Birth Flowers: Holly & Narcissus
When you think of December, flowers probably aren’t the first things that come to your mind. Snow, sweaters, hot cocoa, and the end of a new year? Sure. But flowers? While this month is…
Any wedding that joyfully celebrates the union of two people in love is perfect, but a ceremony’s size greatly influences the tone and mood of the big day. While some lovebirds opt to throw…
Fall is a stunning season to get married, but if you’re planning autumn nuptials, you may be wondering which flowers are in season during the fall. Don’t fret that you’ve missed prime flower season…
Birthday Carnations Fall Flower Facts Flower Information Meaning & Symbolism
Sagittarius Birth Flower: Carnation
Sagittarians are energetic and bold, and approach the world with a positive disposition. It’s a good thing, too, because with their birthdays falling between November 22 and December 21, they’re used to hearing, “here’s…
Birthday Fall Flower Facts Flower Information Meaning & Symbolism
November Birth Flowers: Chrysanthemum & Peony
In the last weeks of autumn, chrysanthemums, or mums, offer a reliable pop of color, and some of the last blooms of the season. So it’s fitting that mums are the primary November birth…
Scorpios are often misunderstood and even negatively characterized, so zodiac flowers have special importance for this enigmatic water sign. The symbolism of flowers tends to shine the spotlight on our most appealing traits, making…