
Flower Delivery in Washington, DC

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery throughout the Washington, DC area. Pick your favorite bouquet designed by expert florists to send flowers to Washington, DC.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: TUE 03/25

Looking for the Best Flower Delivery in DC?

We hear you. You want to send flowers but don’t know which florist to trust, right? There are so many local florists and no guarantees of reliability. When you’re looking to send flowers to that special someone for any occasion, you want to know they’ll receive fresh flowers with a long vase-life.

The Bouqs Co. brings flower delivery into the 21st century. We cut our flowers fresh at the farm and ship them directly to your front door. This reduces the waste which is great for the environment and gets fresh blooms to your table which means they last longer for your loved ones to enjoy.

Can I Order Same-Day Flower Delivery?

Yes. We offer same-day and next-day flower delivery on a selection of our bouquets. Just be sure to order by noon Eastern Time.

Kindness, Community, and Flowers in DC

The nation’s capital is known for being the home of the US federal government. From The White House to the iconic monuments on the National Mall, DC is packed with history. Washington DC also contains many great destinations such as the Smithsonian Museum, the National Air and Space Museum, and the National Gallery of Art.

For plant and flower lovers, the United States National Arboretum is a must-see destination. From its creation in 1927, the National Arboretum has been a center of botanical research for everything from trees to ornamental plants. The arboretum contains an herbarium with over 800,000 specimens, the National Grove of State Trees, and the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum which contains a 390-year-old bonsai that survived the atomic bomb in Hiroshima.

Your Washington D.C. Florist

The Bouqs Co. celebrates Washington D.C. Our mission is to innovate the flower delivery business, reducing waste and increasing the vase-life of the flowers you receive. When you're looking at online florists, you want one you can trust. We built our business by delivering high-quality, farm-fresh flowers at an affordable price, by cutting out the middleman.

Where Can I Send Flowers in the DC Metro Area?

We deliver across the DC metro area including Alexandria, Virginia to Bethesda, Maryland. We deliver flowers to Adams Morgan, Woodley Park, Dupont Circle, Bloomingdale, Chevy Chase, Au-Tenleytown, Foggy Bottom, H Street, Cleveland Park, Barnaby Woods, and the U Street Corridor. We deliver to Baltimore and Bethesda. We also deliver around the country including Philadelphia and Charlotte. We are also excited to open a brand new Bouq-tique shop-in-shop at the Paper Source in Georgetown!

Washington D.C. Flowers

Washington D.C. Symbolic Flower

Washington D.C.’s Symbolic Flower is the American Beauty Rose.

Botanical Gardens Near Washington D.C.

United States National Arboretum 3501 New York Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002

Flower Market Near Washington D.C.

Potomac Floral Wholesale, Inc. 2403 Linden Ln, Silver Spring, MD 20910

Flowers Endemic to Washington D.C.

Columbine, Blue Violets, Goldenrod, Beebalm, Purple Coneflower, Common Milkweed, Viburnums


Does the District of Columbia have an official flower?

Yes! The official flower of the District of Columbia is the American Beauty Rose.

Do my flowers come with a vase?

Only if you want one. When you are checking out you have the option of adding a vase or mason jar to your order. On select Bouqs, you can also add on additional gift items such as a Sugarfina candy box or an aromatic candle from Rifle Paper Co.

Will my flowers be delivered safely?

Yes. we take a few steps to ensure your bountiful bouquet is delivered safely. First, we pack the bouquet with more durable greenery on the outside and the blossoms on the inside. This provides a degree of natural protection for your blooms. Then we carefully secure and wrap the entire bouquet in the sturdy box to offer extra security on their journey from the farm to your doorstep.