
Flower Delivery Virginia Beach

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Virginia Beach, VA. Pick your favorite artisan-crafted bouquet from our florists to send flowers to Virginia Beach.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: WED 03/05

3 Month Subscription: Farmer’s Market



Do You Want to Send Flowers to Virginia Beach?

Are you having a hard time finding a flower delivery service you can count on? Some florists offer gorgeous bouquets, but they’re impossible to contact. Other flower shops can send your flowers to you ASAP, but their arrangements look like they’ve been hastily thrown together.

The Bouqs Co. is here for you. We responsibly source our flowers from sustainable farms and create beautiful and long-lasting flower arrangements. Plus, we have an easy ordering process and top-notch customer service.

Can I Order Same-Day Flower Delivery in Virginia Beach?

Yes! Simply choose one of our beautiful Same-Day Bouqs and order by noon Eastern Time.

Celebrate Every Moment

You bet! We offer same-day flower delivery for when you need flowers ASAP. Enter your recipient’s zip code in the box above to see what flowers are available. If you’ve found you missed today’s ordering cutoff time, don’t worry! You can still order flowers for overnight delivery. We also allow you to schedule future flower deliveries. That way, you’ll never have to miss another birthday or other special occasion.

Farm-Fresh Flowers at the Beach

When we say farm-fresh flowers we mean it! We source our flowers from sustainable farms in places like Ecuador, Colombia, and California. After the blooms are cut, they head straight to your door. That means no middleman but plenty of fresh flowers.

Neptune City

If you’re looking for sand, waves, and a stellar boardwalk, you’ve come to the right place. Virginia Beach is a popular vacation destination, but locals and tourists alike enjoy the miles of beach and many restaurants. While the beach is a great attraction, the Virginia Beach area also contains mesmerizing cypress swamps. The area is also rich in history, as shown in the Military Aviation Museum and First Landing State Park.

Virginia Beach Florist

Our expert florists have created flower arrangements that are perfect for every occasion. Browse our online flower shop and you’ll find everything from sunflowers to roses to tropical bouquets. We have show-stopping flowers for holidays like Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day, birthday flowers for the big day, and bouquets that are the perfect way to brighten up an ordinary day.

Where Can I Send Flowers Around Southeast Virginia?

We offer flower delivery throughout Virginia Beach and the rest of Southeast Virginia. Some of the Virginia Beach areas we deliver to include Lynnhaven, Salem, and Wolfsnare Plantation. If you’re looking to send flowers to Norfolk, Chesapeake, or Newport News, we can help. We can also help you send flowers to other Virginia cities including Alexandria and Richmond.

Virginia Beach Flowers

Virginia Beach Symbolic Flower

The North American lotus is the official flower of the city of Virginia Beach.

Botanical Gardens Near Virginia Beach

Norfolk Botanical Garden 6700 Azalea Garden Rd, Norfolk, VA 23518

Miyazaki Japanese Garden 1398 General Booth Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Flower Market Near Virginia Beach

Wholesale Flower Market Inc 1211 Executive Blvd, Chesapeake, VA 23320

Flowers Endemic to Virginia Beach

Sweetbay Magnolia, Coneflower, Trumpet Honeysuckle, Eastern Bluestar, Marsh Marigold, Mountain Laurel


How Will My Flowers Arrive in Virginia Beach?

We take great care to make sure your flowers arrive safe and sound. Your flowers will arrive in a protective sleeve and box, but we recommend bringing them inside ASAP.

What is the Virginia State Flower?

The flowering dogwood.

What Locations Do You Deliver to in Virginia Beach?

We can deliver flowers to all sorts of locations including funeral homes, hospitals, private residences, offices, resorts, and more! If a location accepts deliveries, we can get your flowers there. If you’re not sure if a hospital accepts deliveries, it’s best to call and check before ordering flowers.