
Flower Delivery Savannah, GA

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Savannah, GA. Send flowers online from our expert florists for same-day delivery in Savannah.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: THU 03/27

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Do You Want to Send Flowers to Savannah, GA?

Looking for online flower stores that deliver to Savannah - and won’t disappoint you with flowers that wilt within a few days?

Farm-fresh flowers from The Bouqs Co. last longer and look better than flowers you’ll find anywhere else, because we ship most of them straight from the farm. Get flowers as soon as today or plan your deliveries for every important event of the year.

Choose Responsibly-Sourced Flowers

Traditional flower delivery methods result in up to half the flowers dying before anybody has a chance to enjoy them. At The Bouqs Co., we found a better way to do things. Apart from our beautiful same-day bouquets, we ship our flowers directly from farms that use responsible farming practices, resulting in less than 7% stem loss.

Flowers in The Hostess City of the South

The Hostess City of the South deserves the freshest flowers you can find. The Bouqs Co. delivers farm-fresh flowers all around Savannah, including Midtown, the Historic District, the Victorian District, the Chatham Crescent, West Savannah, Yamacraw Village, Coffee Bluff, Tatemville, Cann Park, and Habersham Woods.

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

Did you know St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah is the biggest parade in the southeast? The parade lasts almost four hours! Bring your own chair or pay $30 for a bleacher seat with an excellent view. Don’t forget to take a look at the city’s official map of public restrooms before you settle in!

Savannah Flowers

Savannah Symbolic Flower

The Georgia State Flower is Rosa laevigata.

Botanical Gardens Near Savannah

Savannah Botanical Gardens 1388 Eisenhower Dr, Savannah, GA 31406

Flower Market Near Savannah

Carlstedt's Wholesale Florist 515 Barnard St, Savannah, GA 31401

Flowers Endemic to Savannah

Desert Petunia (Ruellia simplex), Butterfly milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa), Purple coneflower (Echinacea), Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Blanket flower (Gaillardia)


Can You Deliver to Hospitals in Savannah?

While we can deliver to any place that accepts deliveries, including hospitals, we can’t guarantee your flowers will make it to your loved one’s room. Also, note that ICUs don’t accept flower deliveries.

Do You Send Vases to Savannah, GA With the Flowers?

We can! While we don’t include a vase with every order, we do have some lovely options you can add to your purchase.

Do You Offer Same-Day Flower Delivery?

Yes! When you select a Same-Day Bouq by noon Eastern Time, a local florist will hand-deliver a beautiful bouquet by the end of the day.