
Flower Delivery Durham, NC

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Durham, NC. Send flowers online from our expert florists for same-day delivery in Durham.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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Do You Want to Send Flowers to Durham, NC?

Are you looking for the best online flowers? You’ve found them! Flowers from The Bouqs Co. are farm-fresh and responsibly sourced. Not only do they look and smell amazing, but you can feel good about sending them to your loved ones.

Responsibly-Sourced Flowers in the Tar Heel State

We want to protect the planet for future generations, so we work with farmers who use responsible farming practices like recycling water. Waiting to cut flowers until after they’ve been ordered also prevents wasted flowers that die before they can be delivered.

Flowers in the Bull City

The Bouqs Co. offers the freshest flowers around - no bull! We don’t cut our beautiful flowers until after somebody buys them (with some exceptions, like our Same-Day Bouqs), and they arrive at their destination as soon as the day after they were cut. You simply can’t find fresher floral arrangements unless you grow them yourself.

Drink Your Way Through World Beer Festival Durham - Responsibly!

If you love a good brew, you can’t miss the yearly taste of the world that is World Beer Festival Durham! Held at Durham Bulls Athletic Park every October, this event brings together more than 250 world-class beers from breweries around the world. Just make sure you assign a designated driver or use a ride-share app to get home afterward.

Durham Flowers

Durham Symbolic Flower

Flowering Dogwood is North Carolina’s state flower.

Botanical Gardens in Durham, NC

Sarah P Duke Gardens 420 Anderson St, Durham, NC 27708

Flower Market in Durham, NC

Piedmont Wholesale Flowers 902 N Mangum St, Durham, NC 27701

Flowers Endemic to Durham

Doll’s Eyes (Actaea Pachypoda), Green Dragon (Arisaema dracontium), Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria), White Wood Aster (Eurybia divaricata), Blazing Star (Liatris spicata), Carolina Phlox (Phlox carolina), Fire Pink (Silene virginica), Bushpea (Thermopsis villosa)


Do You Ship Plants to Durham, NC?

Yep! We have a wide selection of plants to choose from. Pick from elegant orchids, friendly ferns, fiery flamingo plants, modern money trees, mysterious monsteras, dramatic dragon plants, and more!

Can You Deliver to Hospitals in North Carolina?

Yes. However, we can’t guarantee the flowers will reach your loved one’s hospital room. Same-day flowers go to the front desk, other flower arrangements go to the mailroom, and ICUs don’t accept any flowers.

Do You Offer Same-Day Delivery?

Yes! Select one of our Same-Day Bouqs by noon in your recipient's time zone, and a beautiful hand-delivered bouquet will arrive by the end of the day.