
Flower Delivery in Raleigh

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery throughout the Raleigh, NC area. Pick your favorite bouquet designed by expert florists to send flowers to Raleigh.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: THU 03/13

3 Month Subscription: Farmer’s Market



Want to Send Flowers in Raleigh?

If you live in Raleigh and want to brighten someone’s day with fresh flowers, you might not know where to start. When should you order? How do you make sure your recipient is in the delivery area? We know that ordering flowers can seem like a complicated process, but it doesn't have to be!

The Bouqs Co. is here to make it easy to send flowers in Raleigh. We offer sustainably sourced flowers for delivery in Raleigh. All you have to do is browse our online store and order the items you like — we’ll take care of the rest! That’s right, sending flowers and smiles has never been easier.

Can I Order Same-Day Flower Delivery in Raleigh?

To see what flowers are available for same-day delivery in Raleigh, select from the available Same-Day arrangements, place your order by noon in your recipient's time zone, and your flowers will arrive ASAP! If you’ve missed the cutoff time for same-day delivery, you can still select from flowers available for next-day delivery.

How Will My Flowers Arrive?

We source our flowers from sustainable farms around the world to ensure you receive truly farm-fresh flowers. After harvest, we carefully package your bouquet in a protective sleeve and box to make sure it arrives safe and sound. If you run into any issues, just reach out to someone in our customer service department.

The City of Oaks

Raleigh is known for its gorgeous oak-lined streets, but it also has a lot to offer when it comes to flowers! If you’re looking to stroll through some gardens, you have multiple options including the WRAL Azalea Garden, Rose Garden, and JC Raulston Arboretum. Or you can spend a day at one of the garden shows hosted by Raleigh Garden Club. If less manicured landscapes are more your thing, you can't go wrong with checking out the blooms at Lake Johnson Park or Brookhaven Nature Park.

Your Local Raleigh Florist

We know that flowers make every special occasion better, so we offer flower arrangements of all types! Whether you’re looking for vibrant birthday flowers, Valentine’s Day spray roses, thoughtful sympathy flowers, or Mother's Day flowers, you’ll be able to find what you’re looking for. Our florists are experts at crafting arrangements of all types! So don't be afraid to mix it up with a new color or style the next time you order online flowers.

Where Can I Send Flowers Around The Triangle?

If you live in Raleigh but your friends live somewhere else in The Triangle, don’t worry! We offer flower delivery throughout Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill. That means you can easily send flowers to students at UNC, Duke, and NC State. We can also deliver flowers to Carborro, Cary, and Wake Forest. Additionally, we can send flowers to other Southeast cities such as Atlanta, Charlotte, and Nashville.

Raleigh Flowers

Raleigh Symbolic Flower

North Carolina’s State Flower is Dogwood.

Botanical Gardens in Raleigh

JC Raulston Arboretum 4415 Beryl Rd, Raleigh, NC 27606

Juniper Level Botanic Garden 9249 Sauls Rd, Raleigh, NC 27603

Flower Market Near Raleigh

Piedmont Wholesale Flowers 902 North Mangum Street Durham, NC

Flowers Endemic to Raleigh

Flowering Dogwood, Butterfly Weed, Foam Flower, Blue star, Doll’s eyes, Shooting star, Late purple aster



The flowering dogwood. Look for this tree’s beautiful blooms in early to mid-spring.


As a land grant university, NC State has numerous agriculture programs, including a floriculture program! Researchers are working to develop new varieties of flowers so you have better vase life and vibrant colors!