Bouquet of red roses

Kwanzaa Flowers

Celebrate African heritage, culture, community, and faith during Kwanzaa week with a farm-fresh flower arrangement.

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When is Kwanzaa?

Kwanzaa is a weeklong celebration that begins December 26 and runs through January 1. The name comes from Matunda ya Kwanzaa which means “first fruits” in Swahili. Kwanzaa is a week-long celebration for family, community, and culture that includes gift-giving and of course, a bountiful feast to top it off.

What is Kwanzaa?

Kwanzaa was created in 1966 to honor Black Americans and a shared African heritage. Kwanzaa celebrates family, community, and cultural traditions. The celebration is based on African harvest festivals that date back thousands of years and are held at the end of the calendar year.

What Are Good Flowers for Kwanzaa?

Kwanzaa doesn’t have a traditional flower but traditional colors are red, green, and black. Kwanzaa also ends with a festive Kwanzaa Feast which is the perfect occasion to decorate with flower arrangements. Red flowers and greenery could be set inside a black planter or a black vase. Or you could use black ribbons to accent the flowers. You might also select a multi-colored bouquet and use black and red to accent the arrangement. The possibilities are endless.

What Are the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa?

  • Unity: Umoja

  • Self-determination: Kujichagulia

  • Collective Responsibility and Work: Ujima

  • Cooperative Economics: Ujamaa

  • Purpose: Nia

  • Creativity: Kuumba

  • Faith: Imani

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