Maybe you’ve grabbed a bouquet of red roses to express your love or received an arrangement of yellow roses as a token of friendship. But what about black roses? What do these mysterious and…
Scorpios are often misunderstood and even negatively characterized, so zodiac flowers have special importance for this enigmatic water sign. The symbolism of flowers tends to shine the spotlight on our most appealing traits, making…
Birthday Flower Facts Flower Information Focal Flowers Meaning & Symbolism New Baby
October Birth Flowers: Marigold & Cosmos
When October rolls around, you may be thinking of crimson leaves, spooky Jack-o-lanterns, or warm mugs of mulled cider. But what is October’s birth flower? Fortunately, those born in the tenth month can claim…
Birthday Flower Facts Flower Information Meaning & Symbolism Summer
Virgo Birth Flower: Chrysanthemum
If you’re scanning through bouquets of sunflowers, tulips, and daisies, wondering which flowers your favorite Virgo will enjoy, stop. We’re here to tell you all about the Virgo birth flower: the chrysanthemum. The chrysanthemum…
Flower Facts Flower Information Meaning & Symbolism
September Birth Flowers: Aster and Morning Glory
The two September birth flowers are asters and morning glories, both of which love the crisp air of early fall and each evokes the best aspects of those fading summer days. The aster’s starlike…
The practice and influence of astrology dates back to ancient times, relied upon for guidance in all aspects of life. To varying degrees, we consult the zodiac to inform and enrich our decisions and…
Birthday Flower Facts Flower Information Meaning & Symbolism Summer
August Birth Flowers: Gladiolus and Poppy
The birth flowers for those born during the sultry late summer days of August reflect the season with intense colors and dramatic blooms. August birth flowers include the poppy and gladiolus, both late summer…
Hyacinths symbolize jealousy, a desire for forgiveness, joy, and sincerity, depending on the flower color. Yellow hyacinths are linked to jealousy, purple flowers mean you’re seeking forgiveness, and blue hyacinths are tied to sincere…
Daffodils symbolize rebirth, new beginnings, hope, joy, and good luck. Much of this symbolism arises from the fact that daffodils emerge each spring to light up barren landscapes with their cheerful yellow, orange, and…
Mexican flowers lend their natural beauty to homes, businesses, occasions, and events worldwide. You’ll find flowers native to Mexico across the United States and Canada, perhaps even in your own home garden. In this…
Did you know tattoos have been around for more than 5,000 years? Tattooing sprung up independently in various places around the world, first as a permanent way to put therapeutic or protective symbols on…
Did you know there are more than 1000 varieties of pincushion flowers – officially called Scabiosa? Whether you want to grow them yourself or you just appreciate bouquets featuring the blossoms, we’ve got all…
Flower Facts Flower Information Meaning & Symbolism
Flowers for Each Element: Fire, Water, Air, Earth
In Western astrology, there are 4 elements: fire, water, air, and earth. Each element is associated with three zodiac signs. If you’re not sure what to get somebody for their birthday or to say…
Before you buy flower arrangements, do you like to know what the blooms mean? Although cherry blossoms don’t end up in bouquets, these iconic flowers have a lot of meaning and symbolism. Also known…