With layers of petals, alluring fragrances, and lots of symbolism, roses are easy to love. But did you know that rose hips are richer in vitamin C than oranges? Or that the rose is the national flower of both the United States and England?
Once you learn more about these flowers, you’ll find that you just have to order roses for yourself or a loved one. Not only will their beauty impress you, but all the cool rose facts will as well.
Name That Rose
There are over 150 types of roses, with thousands of hybrid breeds. With so many options, you can find a rose in almost every shape, size, and color! You can break roses down by their history, growth habit, and flower shape. Here are some of the most popular types of roses.
- Hybrid tea roses are a modern rose with long, straight stems that are perfect for vases.
- Miniature roses look like the mini version of hybrid tea roses.
- Polyantha roses have clusters of small flowers that bloom spring through fall.
- Floribunda roses produce clumps of large blossoms.
- Old garden roses existed before the 1867 development of the hybrid tea rose.
Every Rose Has its Thorn
One of the most commonly known facts about roses is that roses’ stems have thorns. Despite this, deer and other animals still manage to eat roses! Humans can eat rose petals, but you should probably stay away from the prickly stems.
Rose Fossils
Roses have been around for quite some time. The oldest rose fossil ever found was in Colorado — experts think it’s about 35 millions years old! That means roses existed long before humans made their way into the world.
A Long-Lived Bloom
Not only have roses been around for a while, but each plant can live for a long time. One rose plant growing in Germany is thought to be about 1,000 years old! This rose grows up a column in the Hildesheim Cathedral and produces pale pink flowers each spring. The plant was nearly destroyed when bombs fell on the cathedral during WWII, but it showed its tenacity by sprouting new growth the next year.
Intergalactic Roses
While you might not make it to space any time soon, the rose can let you know what it’s like. Miniature roses were sent into orbit as a part of a study on the effects of low gravity on fragrances. They nicknamed this miniature rose the “Overnight Scentsation.”
Rose Oil, Anyone?
Rose oils are commonly used in perfumes and as standalone essential oils. As you might imagine, it takes a lot of roses to produce rose oil. In fact, two thousand roses are needed to produce just one gram of rose oil! Think about that before you complain about the price of essential oil.
Like all essential oils, rose oil has unique impacts and benefits. It has been shown to decrease anxiety, stress, and pain. Plus, it can even increase libido!
You can also try making rose water with excess petals. Rosewater is a superb natural remedy for irritated skin, is high in anti-oxidants, and can help heal cuts and bruises.
All is Fair in Roses and War
Another interesting fact about roses is that they haven’t only been symbolic of romance and other nice feelings. There was even a war named after roses, AKA the “War of the Roses.” White roses represented York while red roses represented Lancaster in this fight for control of England. Fun fact: The War of the Roses served as an inspiration for the popular Game of Thrones books and HBO show.
The Flower Around the World
With over 300 species of roses, there’s a lot to keep track of. Furthermore, these roses originated from all across the world! While most rose species are native to Asia, some roses originated in Europe, North America, and Africa.
Roses native to the United States include the Virginia rose (Rosa virginiana), prairie rose (Rosa blanda), and swamp rose (Rosa palustris). Most native roses bloom once a year and produce flowers with five delicate petals.
Petal Parade
Every New Year’s Day, the Tournament of Roses Parade takes place. Groups spend days decorating floats with roses, other flowers, and different organic materials like bark or seeds. Just how many roses does it take to make one float? While it differs depending on the size of the float and the different materials used, the answer is a lot. It takes about thirty roses to cover just one square foot of the float!
Roses Are Red…
But they also come in many other colors! You pick from orange, yellow, cream, violet, and more!
Out of the many colors of rose you can choose from, the one color you cannot get is a black rose. The closest that you can get to a black rose is the “Black Rose of Turkey.” However, this rose only appears to look black: it’s actually a dark crimson color.
Friends with Others
Sure, roses are great on their own, but lots of flowers pair with roses. One classic BFF is the small white blooms of baby’s breath. However, you shouldn’t limit your pairing due to a lack of creativity! Some other flowers that go well with roses include chrysanthemums, calla lilies, and pincushion flowers.
Pretty Enough to Eat
That’s right, roses are edible! You can use the petals in cookies, infused water, and salads to add a bit of beauty and flair.
If you wait until the flower forms a fruit, you’ll end up with a rosehip. These small, round fruits are loaded with flavor and nutrients. Just two tablespoons of these fruits contain 76% of your daily recommended vitamin C! Rosehips also contain antioxidants that can help lower inflammation and fight off stress in your body.
Another way people consume roses is through rose water. This strongly flavored water is used in dishes including Turkish delight, baklava, and halva.
Numbers Matter
While you may think all roses are symbols of love and romance, the number of roses you give someone plays a large role in the gift’s meaning. Check out this symbolism before you order flowers online.
- One rose: new love, love at first sight, or enduring love
- Two roses: a special bond between two people
- Six roses: wild, passionate love
- Twelve roses: be mine
- Twenty-five roses: congrats
- Fifty roses: limitless love
They Make Great Gifts
If you’ve never given someone a bouquet of roses, what are you waiting for? Not only are roses beautiful, but they are also long-lasting. Once you know how to store roses properly, you can expect your blooms to last for at least a week…especially if they arrive in bud form.
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