Lavender has always been a fan favorite, and there’s almost no question why. You can do so much with this fragrant, flowering plant such as creating the perfect scented concoctions to satisfy your aromatherapy needs. And not to mention all the wonderful health benefits it comes with like treating anxiety and insomnia.
With so many reasons to love lavender, you probably want to bring home your very own potted friend to make the best out of its resourcefulness. That’s why we want to show you just how you can use a lavender plant to its full potential.
Harvesting Lavender
Before you start pruning the stems of your lavender, it’s important to know when you can begin harvesting these fragrant plants. The basic rule of thumb is to make sure you inspect the little flowers on your potted friend. Are half of the buds in bloom? If so, then that’s a tell-tale sign that you’re all set to harvest some stems of your own.
Use pruners and cut off as much as you please (usually a good handful is enough), but be sure to leave behind some greenery or else you’ll be left with a bare shrub!
Drying Lavender
Tie up your lavender bundle with some twine, and hang it upside-down in a spot where direct sunlight doesn’t hit.
Uses for Dried Lavender
To make the most out of your newly-dried lavender buds, put them in a small satchel to place in bathrooms, your dryer machine, or even some of your clothes drawers. This will leave behind a pleasant scent that will last for days and days to come – and best of all, these pouches are reusable!
If you’re more about the aromatherapy life, then you can always use your dried lavender blooms to make your own essential oil. To make lavender essential oil, crush up a good amount of dried buds and steep them in either olive or almond oil. Leave your mix out in the sun for at least 48 hours, but if you’re patient enough, you can get the best results from waiting about 3 weeks. Strain everything out with a cheesecloth into your container of choice, and now you’re free to use your new lavender oil any way you please!
There’s no question that lavender is probably one of the most resourceful plants out there, and we want to make sure that everyone who has the pleasure of bringing home their very own purple potted friend knows how they can put it to use.
The Bouqs Co. continues to bring farm-fresh blooms and greens all year round! Shop from our wonderful collection today to bring home the newest addition to your plant family.
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