
The Best Flowers for Easter 2021

Yellow, pink, white, and purple assorted flowers

Easter is almost here and that means it’s time to take note of all the new life in the world! We think one of the best ways to celebrate Easter is with fresh flowers that provide a welcome boost of color and life after a dark winter. And since Easter is all about enjoying time with your loved ones, make sure to send some flowers their way too.

Popular and Underrated Flowers for Easter

When it comes time to select Easter flowers, you have lots of options available. We’re going to introduce you to some of the best flowers for Easter including time-tested classics as well as some more modern blooms. We’ll even give you some ideas for arranging your flowers because the Easter Bunny isn’t the only one filling baskets with treats this year.


White lilies in a vase.

Easter lilies are classic Easter flowers…and for good reason. Their impressive white trumpet-like blooms and exuberant fragrance brighten up any space.

While Easter lilies are now a regular guest in the United States, this wasn’t always the case. These lilies, also known as trumpet lilies, are native to parts of South Korea and Japan. Sometime during the 1700s, a Spanish monk picked up some of these lilies and brought them to Bermuda. Once the flowers arrived on the island, people began cultivating them. These lilies first arrived in the US ~100 years later when a florist imported them for a church’s Easter display. The rest is history.

While the trumpet lily is the traditional choice for Easter, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy other types of lilies. White Asiatic lilies provide an elegant alternative and pink stargazer lilies add a boost of color.

One word of caution: lilies are toxic to cats, so keep these blooms out of your kitty’s reach.


Multicolored tulips in yellow, purple, white and pink.

Nothing signals spring quite like the view of a tulip bursting out from the ground. The tulip’s ability to stay dormant all winter as a bulb and then emerge in the spring as colorful blooms has long been tied to Easter.

Even if you weren’t familiar with the tulip’s symbolism, you probably already knew they are gorgeous! Tulips come in all sorts of colors, so you can opt for a monochromatic arrangement or a bouquet that’s as colorful as a basket of Easter eggs. And with expert plant breeders constantly developing new types of flowers, you can now find tulips complete with frilly petals as well as varieties that contain multiple colors in one bloom.


Lavender hyacinth blooms.

Another popular spring flower that emerges from a bulb is the hyacinth. These blooms have a fragrance that’s so strong you might smell them before you see them. Therefore, they might not be the best choice for anyone with a sensitive nose. Read more if you’re curious about flowers that can trigger allergies.

With that said, these flowers are gorgeous. Each spike is covered with lots of tiny flowers that resemble little lilies. Today, hyacinths are available in all sorts of colors, but pink, blue, and white are some of the most traditional options.


Arrangement of bright sunflowers.

Okay, okay sunflowers aren’t traditional Easter flowers. But we couldn’t help but include them on this list. If anything reminds us of a bright and vibrant life, it’s sunflowers.

With bright petals and a cheerful display, these flowers serve as a symbol that light will always return, no matter how dark the present seems.


Peach-pink azalea blooms.

While you might not recognize the azalea from Easter bouquets, they are still tied to this spring holiday. These shrubs produce delicate blooms in the spring, often around Easter. Azaleas are a diverse group of flowers; the plants range in size from two to twenty feet, and the flowers come in all kinds of colors.

While azaleas aren’t super common as cut flowers, they play another special role around Easter.

When Easter rolls around, some people follow the tradition of giving their loved ones an azalea to plant in their yard. While the plant will drop it’s blooms after a few months, the flowers will return again next year. As the plants grow and bloom each year, family members can look back on the years they’ve spent with their loved ones. Now that’s sweeter than a chocolate bunny.


Yellow daffodil blooms

If you’ve ever walked by an unexpected patch of daffodils, you know how much joy these little yellow and white flowers can bring. They emerge from the ground after a long winter and often bloom before the world has turned green.

Since they bloom in the spring, they are popular Easter flowers. They also symbolize rebirth since they stay hidden underground all winter only to reemerge each spring.

Another type of narcissus flower is the jonquil. If you’re not familiar with this flower, it’s basically a mini daffodil. It has the unmistakable trumpet-shaped bloom of the daffodil, but it’s a bit smaller. So if you’re looking for something cute for Easter but don’t want to bring home a bunny, a jonquil may do.


Bouquet with yellow, orange, pink and white ranunculus.

Talk about layers! The ranunculus is a member of the buttercup family that has blooms made up of delicate layers of petals. And since they come in a wide variety of colors, it’s easy to use these flowers to create an arrangement that provides a boost of brightness to any area.

Ranunculus aren’t traditional Easter flowers, but we think these beauties deserve a spot at your table. Since they come with long stems, they look stunning cascading out of a tall vase.

Lenten Rose

Lavender-white lenten rose blooms.

Also known as hybrid hellebore, the lenten rose’s name speaks to its bloom period. While many spring flowers make their appearance around Easter, the lenten rose arrives a few weeks earlier, during the time of lent.

These plants have delicate flowers that resemble a simple rose. While they may look fragile, they can handle below-freezing temperatures. And they bloom for multiple weeks!


Bright yellow and white daisies.

These cute flowers have long been a symbol of hope and purity, so it’s a no-brainer that they make a great choice for Easter. Plus, the flowers start blooming in the spring, which is another reason why they are tied to Easter.

Both arrangements made from cut daisies as well as planters filled with potted gerbera daisies are popular Easter gifts.

Easter Basket Flowers

Now that we’ve covered some of the best flowers for Easter, let’s dive into some fun ways to add them to your home. Because while vases are nice, we think it’s a good idea to express yourself with some creativity.

Easter basket with yellow, purple, maroon and white flowers.

Easter baskets are one of our favorite ways to arrange flowers during the spring. All you need to get started is a basket, some floral foam, and some flowers. Many different types of flowers work well in these arrangements, but we think colorful tulips look especially nice. To learn more about creating your own Easter basket arrangement, check out the post linked above.

Making a floral Easter basket is also a great activity to do with your friends and family, no matter if you’re celebrating in person or virtually. The best news is that when you’re all done each person will have a beautiful basket they can enjoy for days to come.

An Egg-Cellent Arrangement

Flowering stems planted in a glass vase with Easter eggs on the bottom.

Some of the best parts of Easter are eggs and flowers. So why not combine the two?

Fill a large glass vase with colorful Easter eggs — hand-dyed or plastic eggs will do. If you’re using plastic eggs, fill them with something heavy so they sink to the bottom of the vase. And if you’re using real eggs, be sure to use gentle hands!

After the eggs are in the vase, add in some flowers. We think white lilies provide a great contrast to the colorful eggs, but you can choose your favorite blooms.

After your stems are in, add water until the bottoms of the stems are able to drink up. Ta-da! You’ve made an Easter arrangement that will make everyone smile.

Pour Me Some Flowers

White ceramic pitcher with yellow and white flowers.

If you’re looking for an easy yet unique way to style your Easter flowers, check out this idea. Rather than placing your blooms in a basic vase, opt for a vintage milk pitcher.

We think that the long, delicate stems of daffodils and ranunculus look especially elegant cascading out of a pitcher, but feel free to use whatever flowers you like. If you’d really like to go above and beyond, you can even match your dishes to the pitcher. Talk about style!

Beauty in a Box

Yellow, purple, and pink flowers planted in a wooden box

Since many Easter flowers are enjoyed as live flowers grown from bulbs, we’re going to give you an option to display flowers such as hyacinths and tulips. Since these bulbs are grown in soil, you won’t need to fill a vase with water. Rather, you’ll simply use a box to conceal these flowers’ pots.

Find a nice rustic window box or old farm crate. The vintage style will contrast nicely with the delicate blooms. Once you’ve found your box, all you need to do is place each flower’s pot inside. After the pots are snug, decorate the top of the box with some Easter grass and maybe an egg or two.

Now you have a living, floral centerpiece! All you need to do is keep your flowers watered and enjoy their company.

Easter Flowers for Everyone

With so many flowers available around Easter time (and so many ways to arrange them), the hardest part is choosing which ones you want to order! While you may get sick from eating too many jelly beans, there’s no such thing as too many flowers. So order a few of your favorites and get ready to welcome in spring!

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