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12 Things You Didn’t Know About Lilies

Facts About Lilies

Lillies are some of the most popular flowers on earth, found in North America, Asia, Europe, and Australia. Throughout the world, they’re cultivated mainly for decorative purposes, but some uses for the bloom may surprise you – among many other interesting facts about lilies!

While the white lily is one of the most common wedding flowers around the globe, and you might think you know everything about it, there are a few interesting facts about lilies you might never have heard. Luckily we’re here to walk you through some of our favorite lily facts:

Lilies in The Wild

  • Lilies are perennial plants, meaning they can survive (and grow!) in nature without much human intervention. They flower during the spring and summer and go dormant during the winter. And they’re resourceful: they can develop from both a bulb and a seed, and grow anywhere from two to six feet in height depending on the species.
  • The lily is incredible for pollinators, attracting insects with its large colorful flowers and tasteful nectar. Certain species of lily are pollinated by wind, while others are pollinated by bees!
  • Lilies have large petals that can be white, yellow, orange, red, purple or pink in color. They can even have freckles! In fact, the Tiger Lily is named for its orange with brown spots.
  • Lilies are social plants, growing best in groups of three to five.

Lilies in Bouquets

  • Lilies have one of the longest in-vase lifespans of any cut bloom, and a professional way to make them keep even longer is to clear out the pollen from their centers. This will also prevent staining on the petals.
  • Lilies are non-toxic to humans, but are poisonous to cats! Keep these pretty blooms away from your furry friends. Even the smallest amount of exposure can cause renal failure.
  • While people generally think of all lilies as being scented, in reality, only the white lily and the tiger lily omit any fragrance. So if you’re planning a Bouq for the indoors, be sure to snag one of those two blooms.
  • If you need help learning to maximize the vase life of your lilies, we’ve got you covered..

Lilies Around the World

  • The lily has a diversity of symbolism throughout the world. In fact, different colored lilies represent different things altogether. While the white lily represents purity, the tiger lily represents pride or confidence. In Japan and China, lilies are a traditional symbol of good luck, whereas Greek lore associates the flower with motherhood. Pink Stargazer lilies represent hope for wealth and prosperity while white Peruvian lilies are a symbol of devotion.
  • Although these flowers are toxic to our furry friends, lilies have been used medicinally and in cuisine for centuries. The edible bulbs are cultivated in China and Korea, where they are most popular in the northern and central regions. Dried lilies are an ancient laxative or diuretic, and wood lily roots are used to treat stomach disorders and fevers.
  • Dried or fresh bulbs, which have soothing and astringent properties, can be useful in treating inflammation and even ulcers.

A Lily By Any Other Name

  • All species of lilies belong to the genus Lilium, an umbrella category that houses more than 100 species of flower. That said, lilies grow in nearly every shape and color!
  • Watch out for imposters: The calla lily and water lily, for example, aren’t really lilies. The calla lily is from a genus of flowering plants called (of course) Calla, whereas water lilies belong to the Nymphaeaceae family. Learn to spot the difference between lilies and Callas.

Of course, you don’t need to be an expert on lily facts to enjoy the scent and beauty of lilies. We can’t deny that here at The Bouqs Co., we appreciate a good trivia lesson on any flower! If these interesting facts about lilies have you feeling as inspired as they have us, don’t hesitate to order a bouquet of lily flowers for an elegant addition to any room. When buying flowers online, visit The Bouqs Co. where you can order stargazer lilieswhite rose lilies, and many more lilies and all your favorite farm-fresh blooms.

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