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Dracaena Marginata — Adopting A Helpful Dragon

Dracaena Marginata Closeup of Green Fronds Coming Out of a Pink Pot

Before you breathe another puff of oxygen, pick up a magical dragon tree to clear the air. The dracaena marginata plant has been proven to filter harmful toxins from the air in your space… and outer space.

According to a NASA study on air-cleaning plants, dragon trees are not only a low maintenance indoor plant, they can clean contaminants from the surrounding air. Just like oysters filter ocean water naturally, a dragon tree may pull toxins from the air you don’t even know are there. It’s basically like having a Roomba for the air you recharge with water.

How the Dracaena Marginata Cleans Air

Plants can filter things out of the air, water, and soil, and these helpful green friends are credited with filtering contaminants too small for other filtration methods. For instance, did you know that sunflowers may remove contaminants from the soil it’s planted in?

We already know that trees and oceanic plant life create the oxygen we breathe. No surprise that some plants are more evolved than others at taking microscopic particulates into their leaves while giving off fresh air.

Dragon Trees and Pets

Don’t let the dragon part scare you, these cute little trees don’t have sharp teeth. But it’s important to keep your furry friends from nibbling on it.

Your indoor plant may grow tall enough that your pet won’t be able to reach the leaves. But cats are like sneaky little acrobats and it’s a known fact that they like to chew on houseplants.

Taking a taste of the dracaena marginata may leave your favorite felines and pups feeling less than frisky afterward. It’s best to keep plants on high tables, shelves or isolated spots pets don’t have easy access to.

Just Add Water

Native to the islands of Madagascar and Mauritius, dracaena marginata is happy to get regular doses of moisture to keep it nourished. However, the regular amount of rainfall in those regions can be scant for months at a time.

You can go from watering these hardy plants on a schedule to forgetting about them entirely and they may still manage to thrive. They’re survivors because of their changing native climate. The adaptive nature of the dragon tree makes it a perfect plant gift for friends who have a new interest in plant collecting yet are still developing their green thumbs.

Not Too Much Sun

Dragon trees like plenty of ambient sunlight, but continuous direct sun exposure can discolor their leaves. Constant, focused sunlight may cause your plant’s bright green color to lighten or even yellow. Give it a sunny spot that’s just beyond the reach of beaming rays. Note: putting sunglasses on your plant will make it look cool, but won’t help to protect it.

Don’t Drown Your Dragon

Keep the soil of your tree moist, but not soaked. Though it’s native to humid climates, repeatedly soaking it can lead to root rot in a container pot or planter. Avoid watering it with cold water or splashing its leaves. If direct sunlight beams onto wet leaves it can damage your plant.

Give Them Plenty of Fresh Air

Movable plants in pots are happiest outside in warmer months as long as they get partial shade. Your plant definitely needs to be indoors if the temp is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. If you’re cold, they’re cold. Bring them inside.

Grounding Your Dragon Tree

Aside from its air-cleaning properties, people will permanently plant their dracaena marginata outdoors. Adult outdoor trees can grow between twelve and twenty feet tall depending on their fronds. You can plant one in front of a window or around the perimeter as an added privacy barrier.

Dracaena marginata is in a family of indoor plants that are easy to take care of and its growth looks like a flowing green fountain of fronds. This little air cleaner is at home in nearly any atmosphere and a complement to any theme of home decor. For a thoughtful gift that adds air-cleaning benefits and more, everyone from your mom to your auto mechanic can appreciate a dragon plant to improve their airspace.

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