It’s no secret – succulents have become the Instagram darling of the plant world. From home decoration Instagram accounts to everyone using the hashtag “#WeddingGoals,” succulents are popping up everywhere. The internet is all about succulents!
It’s for good reason, too. Not only are succulents cute and colorful, but they are easy plants to take care of, and they’re drought-friendly too. Are you looking to jump on-board with everyone’s favorite funky plants and learn all about succulents? Check out some cool succulent plant facts below.
Where do succulents get their name?
The word “succulent” comes from the Latin “sucus,” which means sap. This is because their leaves are typically filled with a nutrient-rich sap, which explains in part why these plants are so hardy, needing to be watered and fertilized less than other plants. (Succulent care tip: you’ll need to fertilize your succulents only once a year.)
The size of their leaves has meaning
Succulent plant fact number two: the size of the leaves indicates where the succulent was likely grown. Succulents with smaller leaves usually grow in higher elevations.
Succulents are pest-resistant
Another reason succulent care is so simple is that they are almost entirely pest-resistant. Occasionally you may find aphids on your succulent, but it is rare.
Cacti make up more than 1,300 species of succulents
Did you know that cacti are succulents? That’s right! Everyone’s favorite little prickly plants are part of the succulent family. Remember: all cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti.
Succulents are Prehistoric
Between five to ten million years ago, the earth’s climate was just right for the first cactus to pop up. A prolonged dry spell and lower levels of carbon in the atmosphere provided a habitable home to everyone’s favorite succulents.
You can grow succulents from succulent clippings
The process of growing a plant from an already bloomed plant is called propagating. It’s a fairly easy process, and before you know it, you’ll be living in a succulent heaven!
Maybe you’re thinking that after learning all these fun succulent plants, you’re ready to be a new plant parent. Or maybe you’ve had bad luck with succulents in the past, but you’re ready to try again and aren’t sure where to start. Try some of the following succulent care tips and tricks:
Succulent Care Tips and Tricks
- Make sure they get fresh air: Most succulents prefer the great outdoors in warm, dry climates (this is why they are so drought-friendly!). If you’re going to try and keep your succulents indoors, be sure they are in a spot that gets plenty of air circulation.
- Succulents like it made in the shade: While they do love warm climates and sunshine, they will struggle in full sun. If you live in particularly hot climates (like 90+ degrees Fahrenheit on the regular), your succulent will do better in a spot where it gets shade for part of the day.
- Hot tip: red, gray, or spiny succulents will handle the heat the best, so if you don’t have a lot of options, try to find one of those succulents and they should be fun in the brightest of sunshine.
- Make sure that your succulent is in the right soil: Succulents need a fast-draining cactus mix. Other good options are soil with a coarse perlite, crushed lava, or pumice.
- The right amount of water is key: Succulents prefer to let the soil dry out completely between watering, so do not overwater your little plant friend. This can cause rot in the roots. A good rule is to touch the soil to see if it is still damp; if it is, maybe wait another day or two before you water it. If the soil is dry, it’s time to water your succulent!
Now that you’re in the know about succulents, you’re probably looking to inject some succulents into your world, or maybe send some to a friend. Check out all the super cute succulents for delivery that The Bouqs Co. offers!
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