Want to brighten your bedroom? Then add a plant or two! Whether you want to add a hanging basket filled with romantic, cascading stems or a tiny pot complete with a small cactus, you can find all kinds of plants for bedrooms. Adding a plant will not only add a natural touch to your space, but plants can also help improve air quality and help us relax. So, read through the list, pick a few favorites, then get ready to improve your bedroom.
Did you know research has shown that being around plants helps people concentrate better? Plants can also increase levels of positive energy, help people feel relaxed and secure, have soothing effects, increase feelings of compassion, and provide a variety of other health benefits. All that, and they make excellent decorations, as well!
So what are the best plants for the bedroom? It depends on how much light your room gets and how often you’ll remember to water your plants. Here are some suggestions for the best bedroom plants. If you have pets, remember to check the ASPCA’s Poisonous Plants directory first to keep your fur kids safe.
Ready to get started? You can order online plant delivery from The Bouqs Co. today and skip the trip to the nursery or a crowded home improvement store.
Bedroom Plants to Beautify Your Space
If your primary reason for getting plants for your bedroom is aesthetic reasons, here are a few of the most beautiful plants for bedrooms and other indoor spaces.
Red Lipstick Anthurium
Also known as the flamingo flower, the red lipstick anthurium is perfect for people who love plants with more color than simple green leaves. The bright red heart-shaped leaves bring a fantastic splash of color to any bedroom – and perhaps a little love into your life.
- Scientific Name: Anthurium andreanum ‘Lipstick Red’
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top two inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight: Indirect but bright light
English Ivy
With its eager willingness to spread its vines as far as possible, English ivy can create a living work of art in your bedroom by using hoops, hooks, trellises, or other stabilizing materials to create stunning shapes. Let the soil surface dry a little bit between waterings – you can go on a week-long vacation without hiring somebody to water your English ivy.
- Scientific Name: Hedera helix
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top two inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight: Can tolerate both direct and indirect light
Philodendron Birkin
You can find hundreds of different philodendron species, but the philodendron Birkin stands out. It has thick stems topped with large, oblong leaves that taper to a point. The leaves are dark green with fine white lines. Since it grows slowly, it’s one of the best bedroom plants for small areas. With hundreds of plant species, many of which make excellent indoor plants, philodendrons can beautify bedrooms with any style of decor. Philodendrons come in vining and non-vining varieties, so choose one based on whether or not you want to provide a climbing support structure.
- Scientific Name: Philodendron ‘Birkin’
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top two inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight: Bright, indirect light
Rubber Plant
With dramatic dark leaves, the rubber plant instantly adds interest to any bedroom and is also one of the best plants for low light. The broad leaves of this houseplant absorb lots of contaminants while also being appealing to look at. Be sure to wear gardening gloves when pruning or replanting a rubber plant to keep its sticky sap off your fingers. All varieties have large, broad leaves, but you can find deep green, maroon, and variegated cultivars.
- Scientific Name: Ficus elastica
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top two inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight: Moderate to low light
Monstera Deliciosa
Sometimes referred to as the Swiss cheese plant, thanks to the characteristic “holes” in its heart-shaped leaves, this monstera species is a popular indoor plant that can grow one to two feet per year. In fact, each leaf can grow to be three feet long! Providing a coco coir pole helps support the plant as it grows larger.
Pro tip: Let your monstera dry out between waterings, especially in the fall and winter.
- Scientific Name: Monstera deliciosa
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top two inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight: Bright indirect sunlight
Lemon Button Fern
If you’re looking for a fern that can stand up to mistreatment, look no further than the long-lived lemon button fern. These plants aren’t as finicky as other types of ferns and can grow well at average household humidity. Just make sure to provide them with regular water and indirect light.
- Scientific Name: Nephrolepis cordifolia ‘Duffii’
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top inch of soil is dry
- Sunlight: Indirect
Peace Lily
With striking white flowers and glossy green leaves, the ability to rid the air of pollutants, and a knack for increasing the humidity in a room, the peace lily is an ideal bedroom plant. Peace lilies wilt to let you know when they’re thirsty, then perk right up after being watered, making them relatively low maintenance.
Keep peace lilies away from kids and pets, as they are toxic. Learn more with our peace lily care guide.
- Scientific Name: Spathiphyllum
- Watering: Water when the top inch of soil is dry
- Sunlight: Moderate to bright indirect light
Aloe Vera
Not only is it one of the best air-purifying plants, but the aloe vera plant releases oxygen at night (not just during the day) AND the juice from the leaves can be applied topically to treat burns and scrapes. All that, and it’s easy to care for, too. Thanks to its succulent leaves, aloe vera is one of the hardiest plants for bedrooms. As long as your bedroom gets plenty of sunlight and stays relatively warm, your aloe will remain happy. Plus, you can break off a leaf and use its sap to ease the pain of burns. In the summer, you can move your aloe outside and enjoy them as low maintenance garden plants.
- Scientific Name: Aloe barbadensis
- Watering: Water when the top half of the soil is dry
- Sunlight: Bright light
Snake Plant
Also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, the leathery, sword-like leaves of the snake plant purify air better than most other houseplants and don’t require much water. Under optimal conditions, the snake plant can live for decades and provide enjoyment for years to come while removing harmful toxins from the air.
- Scientific Name: Sansevieria trifasciata
- Watering: Water occasionally
- Sunlight: Bright indirect light
Spider Plant
Arachnophobes need not fear the spider plant. Despite the spooky name, spider plants absorb fumes and odors, which may help you sleep better. Originally becoming popular in the 1970s, spider plants are now making a comeback, due in part to the adorable “plantlets” that grow from the mother plant that can be clipped and repotted for gifts or so you have more plants around your home.
Learn more about how to best care for spider plants with our guide.
- Scientific Name: Chlorophytum comosum
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top two inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight: Moderate to bright light
Parlor Palm
Dark bedroom bringing you down? Bring home the tropical parlor palm, which thrives even in low light and is more likely to die from being overwatered than underwatered. Keeping your parlor palm near a steamy bathroom or a running humidifier can help deter certain pests, like spider mites.
- Scientific Name: Chamaedorea elegans
- Watering: Water when the top inch of soil feels dry
- Sunlight: Indirect light
Corn Plant
While most real trees can’t live indoors forever, the corn plant provides the look of a tree without unmanageable height. Sometimes called “false palms,” corn plants grow slowly and max out at 4-6 feet tall when grown in containers.
Despite its mouthwatering name, the corn plant is poisonous and should be kept away from curious children and pets who might decide to munch on it.
- Scientific Name: Dracaena fragrans
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top two inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight: Indirect light
When it comes to plants that don’t need much sun, you can’t beat the pothos. With vining stems that can grow to several feet long and shiny heart-shaped leaves, the pothos is so tolerant of being indoors and such a low-maintenance plant that it’s nicknamed “the cubicle plant.”
Preferring to dry out a bit between waterings, this greenery is perfect for people who often forget to water their plants.
- Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top two inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight: Indirect light
Areca Palm

Credit Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dypsis_lutescens1.jpg
If you have the space (this indoor plant can grow to 7 feet tall), the tropical areca palm is sure to put a smile on your face throughout the year. Known for its ability to remove carbon dioxide from the air, this beauty needs constant light moisture without getting soggy.
- Scientific Name: Chrysalidocarpus lutescens
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top inch of soil is dry
- Sunlight: Bright indirect light
While it’s not necessarily easy to grow lavender indoors, it is possible and definitely worth the effort. Lavender has a variety of benefits, including the potential to help you fall asleep faster, making it an ideal bedroom houseplant. Natural light may not be strong enough, however, so you may need to invest in some grow lights to keep your plant happy.
- Scientific Name: Lavandula spp.
- Watering: Water when the top two to three inches of soil is dry
- Sunlight: Lots of bright, direct light
Baby Rubber Plant
Although it shares a name with the larger rubber tree, this plant is in an entirely different genus. The plants have round, succulent leaves that come in shades of green and cream. Since they remain under a foot tall, they’re a good choice for bedside tables and small shelves.
- Scientific Name: Peperomia obtusifolia
- Watering: Water when the top half of the soil is dry
- Sunlight: Low to moderate indirect light
Prayer Plant
The beautifully patterned prayer plant is named for its unique response to light. During the day, the leaves are flat to collect light. When night arrives, they fold upright to resemble praying hands. If your prayer plant looks unhappy, check the air moisture —these houseplants require high humidity to thrive.
- Scientific Name: Maranta leuconeura
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top two inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight: Medium to bright indirect light
Fishbone Cactus
While most cacti thrive in bright light and dry air, the tropical fishbone cactus has different requirements. These plants grow best in indirect light and humid air, and they like well-draining soil and regular watering. When happy, the plants develop long leaves with zig-zag margins.
- Scientific Name: Disocactus anguliger
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top two inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight: Bright indirect light
Philodendron Micans
If you want an easy-to-care-for bedroom plant that adds a dramatic yet understated flair, this is it. Micans plants develop trailing stems covered in heart-shaped velvety leaves. Place a pot on a tall shelf or dresser and watch the vines cascade toward the floor.
- Scientific Name: Philodendron hederaceum var. hederaceum
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top two inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight: Bright indirect light
ZZ Plant
A popular plant for low light, the ZZ plant grows well in dim bedrooms. It’s a great choice if you’re new to houseplants, thanks to its forgiving nature. Despite its carefree style, it brightens bedrooms with upright stems covered in oblong leaves. Green leaves are the most common, but you can also find deep purple leaves that appear black.
- Scientific Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia
- Watering: Low; water when half of the soil is dry
- Sunlight: Indirect light
Money Tree
Although the money tree can grow over six feet tall indoors, it often remains under three feet. You can often find plants with braided trunks topped with shiny green leaves. The plants are believed to bring positive energy to a space, so they’re one of the best bedroom plants for Feng Shui.
- Scientific Name: Pachira aquatica
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top inch of soil is dry
- Sunlight: Moderate to bright indirect light
Lucky Bamboo
Although it’s not a true bamboo, the round stalks of lucky bamboo fool most people. The number of stalks confers various meanings, so pay attention to the number before bringing one into your bedroom. For example, five stalks represent harmony and balance, while nine mean good luck.
- Scientific Name: Dracaena sanderiana
- Watering: Moderate; keep soil moderately moist
- Sunlight: Bright indirect light
Chinese Evergreen
Whether you want a calming green plant or one with energizing pink leaves, you can find a Chinese evergreen for you. These plants have clusters of large, oblong leaves that emerge from a central base. They can grow up to three feet tall when healthy.
- Scientific Name: Aglaonema commutatum
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top inch of soil is dry
- Sunlight: Bright indirect light
Norfolk Pine
If you like the look of a pine forest, add a Norfolk pine to your bedroom. Although these plants look like Christmas trees, note their different care requirements. They prefer high humidity and benefit from lots of bright yet indirect light.
- Scientific Name: Araucaria heterophylla
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top two inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight: Bright indirect light
Christmas Cactus
Yes, you can keep this plant in your bedroom all year long; it just happens to bloom around Christmas. The rest of the year, you can enjoy the flattened leaves that appear on cascading stems. They grow best in coarse, well-draining soil that you allow to dry out in between waterings.
- Scientific Name: Schlumbergera spp.
- Watering: Low; water when most of the soil is dry
- Sunlight: Bright indirect light
Polka Dot Plant

Credit Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hypoestes_phyllostachya_04.jpg
A cute plant that’s perfect for tiny bedroom shelves and nooks, the polka dot plant thrives in warm and humid areas. You can find the plant in shades of pink, white, and green.
- Scientific Name: Hypoestes phyllostachya
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top inch of the soil is dry
- Sunlight: Indirect light
Peacock Plant
The intricately patterned leaves of this bedroom plant resemble those of the bird it’s named after. They display beautiful designs made of green and pink. These plants thrive in humid conditions and indirect light, so consider placing them near a humidifier.
- Scientific Name: Calathea makoyana
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top inch of soil is dry
- Sunlight: Indirect light
Chinese Money Plant
The Chinese money plant has round, coin-like leaves on long, slender stems. Young plants look cute on tabletops, and older plants work well when left to cascade out of hanging baskets.
- Scientific Name: Pilea peperomioides
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top inch of soil is dry
- Sunlight: Indirect light
Air Plant
If you want to skip the worry and mess of soil and water, go with an air plant. These plants are happy sitting on wooden shelves or floating above your bed in a glass jar. You can find numerous air plant species that vary in size and leaf shape, but all have rosettes of leaves.
- Scientific Name: Tillandsia spp.
- Watering: Low; spray heavily with water once a week
- Sunlight: Bright indirect light
Umbrella Plant
As its name suggests, this houseplant produces umbrella-like clusters of leaves. The plants can grow over five feet tall, but they often remain smaller when grown indoors in small containers. You can find varieties with green and variegated leaves.
- Scientific Name: Schefflera spp.
- Watering: Moderate; water when the top two inches of soil are dry
- Sunlight: Medium to bright indirect light
How to Decorate Your Bedroom With Plants
What are good bedroom plants? Now, you know! However, you may still be looking for ways to style your plants. Here are some of our favorite ideas on how to decorate a bedroom with plants.
- Stash them in an unused corner of your room
- Place floating shelves around the room to hold the plants
- Put one on your bedside table
- Use your headboard as a plant shelf
- Create an accent wall from greenery
- Hang trailing plants from your ceiling (check out how to hang plants for help)
- Line your windowsills (or use a windowbox)
Add Plants to Your Home with The Bouqs Co.
Now that you know some popular houseplants that work well in bedrooms, it’s time to add a few of these green friends to your home. We offer many popular houseplants and make it easy to order plants for delivery. Even if you don’t want a new plant for yourself, you can ship an anthurium or cactus to a friend!
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