Whether you pick a bundle of flowers while out for a stroll or you’ve just received a lovely flower arrangement, knowing some flower arranging basics is helpful for anyone. In these instances, we all like to imagine that we’re expert floral arrangers, but the truth is that without some fundamental knowledge, you can end up making a bit of a mess of those pretty blossoms. Arranging flowers has a long and storied history. Not to worry: with a few rules under your belt, you can transform that loosely-arranged cluster into something with standout style.
While flair and personal preferences vary greatly from one florist to another, there are some fundamentals that inform all their techniques. Luckily, you don’t have to sign up for floral arranging 101 to learn these skills. To help you out, we’ve put together an overview of six of the main principles of arranging flowers.
Novice floral arrangers often take this principle to mean that the arrangement needs to be completely symmetrical. This is not the case. Having balance in your bundle of blooms simply means that the arrangement shouldn’t look lopsided when you’re done. If any one side looks heavier than the other, then you still have some rearranging to do.
For instance, if you have a heavier element on one side, you need something of equal weight on the other side – even if they’re completely different things, such as a big bloom on one side and a cluster of small ones on the other, or two different kinds of flowers of similar size. Make sure to rotate your arrangement as you make it to check from all angles.
Another basic flower arranging rule to keep in mind is scale. You want the final product to ‘fit’ the space where it will be placed. For example, a large, bushy arrangement would look out of place on a small countertop. In contrast, a dainty arrangement is likely to be overlooked in a spacious room. Try to fit the arrangement to the space it’s going to inhabit.
Choosing one dominant element in your floral design creates a harmonious result. The aspect can be a common color, texture, shape, or size. You just need to find something to carry through your creation to create a feeling of unity throughout the arrangement. This doesn’t mean that the exact same flower needs to be repeated (though it can be); you just have to carry on a central element throughout. Having two or more competing elements makes a piece feel divided and is less likely to hold interest.
You want the eye to move across the completed arrangement rather than hone in on just one spot. This is why one of the flower arranging basics is rhythm. Just as with music, having rhythm in floral arrangements creates a pleasing overall piece.
One way to create rhythm is by repeating a color pattern throughout the arrangement. The eye needs to easily flow from one part of the arrangement to the next.
Before crafting your floral piece, be sure to give some consideration to the feeling you’re trying to capture. Those who understand basic flower arranging know that different colors and color combinations bring out a range of emotions. Giving some thought to the sentiment you want to get across should help you select the right colors for your piece.
In floral design, the goal is typically to have all elements appear to be arranged around a single axis. Having various parts of the arrangement look as if they are meeting at different points makes the final product look disjointed.
Now that you have some flower arranging basics in your arsenal, you’re probably anxious to get your hands on some gorgeous blooms. Bouqs.com offers stunning cut-to-order Bouqs that grab attention no matter your skill level. For more tips check out our posts on how to arrange flowers. When you’re ready to order flowers online, visit The Bouqs. In fact, you can even sign up for a subscription and have happiness delivered to your door on a regular basis!
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