Flower Facts Flower Information Focal Flowers Tropical

Fun Facts About Our Favorite Tropical Flowers

Tropical Flower Facts

We all like to envision what our dream vacation would be like, and for some of us, those trips include lounging on the cushion-like sand of warm, faraway beaches. Maybe you like a little adventure so you’re a huge fan of tropical islands and all the exotic greens they have to offer.

No worries, you’re not alone!

The Bouqs Co. loves all the attention tropical flowers have been getting lately. We want to make sure that you know a thing or two about some of our favorite exotic blooms before you bring them home. Get ready to recreate the perfect island getaway in your very own living space with these vibrant tropical flowers! You can also get a leg up on tropical plant care if you need some tips.

Orchid Facts

  • You probably never would’ve guessed that these fragrant flowers grew in tropic regions, but in fact, they do – more specifically in the tropic regions of Asia and Australia!
  • Unlike most flower species, orchids don’t have “normal” roots. They usually have either rhizome, tuber, or aerial ones.
  • These blooms have been on this planet for a long time – almost 100 million years!
  • The flowers on orchid plants can survive anywhere between a few hours to 6 months depending on the species. Make sure to look into the ones that’ll have the longest vase life so you can have that added “it” factor to your home!
  • Orchid plants actually help with vanilla production since the flavor itself is extracted from the pod of vanilla planifolia, which is one of many orchid species.
  • Most orchid flowers have a distinct scent! For example, the aeranthes grandalena gives off a sweet jasmine fragrance while the cymbidium (or the “Golden Elf”) exudes a pleasant lemony smell.

Ginger Facts

  • The ginger plant is actually a rhizome of the perennial herb, which is why it’s commonly associated with health maintenance!
  • And speaking of health, did you know that ginger is used to help with cardiovascular health? The oils inn the plant itself are responsible for many of its active medicinal properties – the more you know!
  • We obviously can’t get enough of ginger and how great it is for us; these flowers do so much to improve digestion, absorb or distribute nutrients into our bodies, and prevent motion sickness.
  • Keep in mind that not all species of ginger flowers are edible! Only Zingiber officinale is safe to consume, which is one out of about 1,300 species of ginger.

Heliconia Facts

  • These exotic blooms are most popularly known as lobster-claw, wild plantain or false bird-of-paradise. They also make beautiful pops of color when you add them to any floral arrangement since they come in vibrant varieties!
  • Speaking of color, they’re mainly loved because of their brightly-saturated bracts, which is a leaf structure at the base of the flower. Because the bracts are quite vivid, they distract from the actual heliconia flower so only specialized birds can get a taste of its sweet nectar.
  • Heliconia is actually named after Mount Helicon; according to Greek mythology, Helicon was sacred to the Muses and served as a spot of inspiration to important mythological creatures such as Pegasus and Narcissus.
  • They’re quite tall flowers as well; depending on the growing condition, heliconia can be anywhere between three to thirty feet!

Hibiscus Facts

  • The word “hibiscus” is derived from the Latin word hibiscum, which means “marshmallow plant.”
  • Although they’re a popular component in herbal teas around the world, these beautiful blooms are actually native to the tropical regions of Asia.
  • They come in different color variations of pink, red, purple, or yellow, and hibiscus flowers are appreciated for their trumpet-like shape.
  • Hibiscus tea is not only pleasantly fragrant and delicious, it’s richly packed with Vitamin C! However, this isn’t the only health component these pretty petals offer. The Hibiscus sinosyriacus is used to treat skin diseases and the Hibiscus sabdariffa L. helps reduce blood pressure.

Still not convinced to snag one of your very own tropical arrangements? Our tropical flower collection boasts the greenest palm leaves and the brightest assortments of ginger, heliconia, and loofah. These dazzling tropical flower arrangements will have you second-guessing that flight to Hawaii! Because who needs an island getaway when you can have a home with flowers reminiscent of an exotic forest?

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