Just like every person has their own favorite bouquet, each state has a flower to represent its unique landscapes and history. Not only are these state flowers beautiful, but they provide a look at each state’s values.
Next time you want to send someone a bit of local love or throw down in trivia, call on your state flower knowledge! We’re going to cover each state flower, plus we’ll let you in on some fun flower facts and the history of state flowers.
History of State Flowers
All fifty states have an official state flower, but the ways they arrived upon their floral symbol are quite different. Some states couldn’t wait to designate a flower to represent their homes, while others choose a flower as more of a way to meet an invisible obligation.
Why Do States Have State Flowers?
Like many other state symbols, state flowers serve as a way for a state to recognize items that are important to its landscapes or history. In many cases, state schoolchildren voted on a state flower. However, the actual declaration of a state flower fell upon state legislators.
Many of these flowers are native to their states, but others are prized by local florists around America. One thing is for sure: the state flower has a special tie to its home state.
When Was the First State Flower Chosen?
Washington adopted the first state flower in 1892. 15,000 women of Washington actually voted to choose the coastal rhododendron to represent this Pacific Northwest state at the Chicago World’s Fair, before they even had the right to vote. But while it was known as the state flower for many years, the Washington Legislature didn’t officially recognize the flower until 1959.
Why Do Some States Have Two State Flowers?
While it’s called the state flower, some states haven’t been able to contain their floral love to just one species. In many cases, a state has an “official” state flower and a state wildflower.
Some states have changed their choice of flower over time. When a new flower is included in the list of state flowers, the old champion often becomes the state wildflower or state cultivated flower.
Additionally, one flower doesn’t always represent the whole state. For example, flowers in Los Angeles are quite different from flowers found in Northern California.
Growing State Flowers for a Native Garden
Interested in planting a native garden? Great! But before you get going with your state flower as your guide, take a minute to stop and think. While you may assume all state flowers are native to their homes, this isn’t always the case.
Sure, lots of places choose a flower that naturally grows in their range, but there are other places to draw inspiration. Some states choose their symbolic flower based on plant breeding efforts that went on in the state (we’re looking at you, Oklahoma). Other states rely on famous people or events that involved a flower.
With all that said, the vast majority of blooms in the official state flowers list are native to their representative territory. Once you make sure that the flower is endemic to your area, you can incorporate it into your native garden. Add in some other native flowers and you’ll have a garden that provides food and shelter for birds, butterflies, bees, and more!
If you need help determining which flowers are native to your home, check with local gardening clubs and native plant societies. They can help you find plants that will offer a wide range of benefits to local insects and birds.
State Flowers List
Flower: Camellia
Scientific Name: Camellia japonica
Year Adopted: 1959
Fun Fact: While the camellia is grown throughout the Southeast US, it’s native to East Asia.
Flower: Forget-me-not
Scientific Name: Myosotis alpestris
Year Adopted: 1917
Fun Fact: Alpine forget-me-nots blanket rocky mountains with blue during Alaska summers.
Flower: Saguaro cactus blossom
Scientific Name: Carnegiea gigantea
Year Adopted: 1931
Fun Fact: The saguaro cactus is the largest cactus in the United States; these plants can grow over 40 feet tall!
Flower: Apple blossom
Scientific Name: Malus spp.
Year Adopted: 1901
Fun Fact: When Arkansas declared the apple blossom the state flower it was a major apple producer.
Flower: California poppy
Scientific Name: Eschscholzia californica
Year Adopted: 1903
Fun Fact: California poppies cover certain hillsides and fields during the spring and summer, especially when ideal weather conditions lead to superblooms.
Flower: Rocky Mountain columbine
Scientific Name: Aquilegia coerulea
Year Adopted: 1899
Fun Fact: A 1925 law prohibits the digging and collection of this columbine due to its rare status.
Flower: Mountain laurel
Scientific Name: Kalmia latifolia
Year Adopted: 1907
Fun Fact: Mountain laurel is an evergreen, so it adds color even after its white and pink flowers fade.
Flower: Peach blossom
Scientific Name: Prunus persica
Year Adopted: 1953
Fun Fact: The peach blossom was declared the floral emblem in 1895 before becoming the state flower in 1953. In 1895, Delaware had over 800,000 peach trees.
Flower: Orange blossom
Scientific Name: Citrus sinensis
Year Adopted: 1909
Fun Fact: Beekeepers bring in hives to pollinate citrus groves, and the result is a citrusy orange blossom honey.

Credit: Wiki Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Orange_blossoms_-_Portakal_%C3%A7i%C3%A7ekleri.jpg
Flower: Cherokee rose
Scientific Name: Rosa laevigata
Year Adopted: 1916
Fun Fact: While this rose is named after the Cherokee people, it is native to East Asia.
Flower: Yellow hibiscus
Scientific Name: Hibiscus brackenridgei
Year Adopted: 1988
Fun Fact: All colors of hibiscus were declared the state flower in the 1920s until the yellow hibiscus was selected in 1988.
Flower: Syringa
Scientific Name: Philadelphus lewisii
Year Adopted: 1931
Fun Fact: The scientific name of the syringa, ‘lewisii,’ partly honors Meriwether Lewis of Lewis & Clark fame.
Flower: Violet
Scientific Name: Viola spp.
Year Adopted: 1907
Fun Fact: There are at least eight different species of blue violets in Illinois, although it can be hard to tell them apart.
Flower: Peony
Scientific Name: Paeonia spp.
Year Adopted: 1957
Fun Fact: The zinnia was the Indiana state flower from 1931 to 1957.
Flower: Wild rose
Scientific Name: Rosa arkansana
Year Adopted: 1897
Fun Fact: The wild rose was etched on silver given to the battleship the USS Iowa.
Flower: Sunflower
Scientific Name: Helianthus annuus
Year Adopted: 1903
Fun Fact: Sunflowers rotate to follow the sun; a phenomenon known as heliotropism.
Flower: Giant goldenrod
Scientific Name: Solidago gigantea
Year Adopted: 1926
Fun Fact: Not only is goldenrod beautiful, but it also feeds many pollinators.
Flower: Magnolia
Scientific Name: Magnolia spp.
Year Adopted: 1900
Fun Fact: Magnolia flowers fill the air with a sweet, floral scent.
Flower: White pine cone
Scientific Name: Pinus strobus
Year Adopted: 1895
Fun Fact: Pine trees don’t require flowers to produce seeds, but they do have male and female cones.
Flower: Black-eyed Susan
Scientific Name: Rudbeckia hirta
Year Adopted: 1918
Fun Fact: Black-eyed Susans are native to the majority of US states, making them a great choice for native gardens.
Flower: Mayflower
Scientific Name: Epigaea repens
Year Adopted: 1918
Fun Fact: Mayflowers are some of the first flowers to emerge in the spring…they can even be found in melting snow.
Flower: Apple blossom
Scientific Name: Malus spp.
Year Adopted: 1897
Fun Fact: There are over a hundred apple varieties available today, but only some are grown commercially.
Flower: Pink and white lady’s slipper
Scientific Name: Cypripedium reginae
Year Adopted: 1902
Fun Fact: Like all lady’s slippers, this plant is a temperate orchid.
Flower: Evergreen magnolia
Scientific Name: Magnolia spp.
Year Adopted: 1952
Fun Fact: While magnolias are evergreen, they drop their leaves throughout the year.
Flower: Hawthorn
Scientific Name: Crataegus spp.
Year Adopted: 1923
Fun Fact: Researchers are exploring the ways hawthorn can benefit heart health.
Flower: Bitterroot
Scientific Name: Lewisia rediviva
Year Adopted: 1894
Fun Fact: Dried bitterroot roots can be used as nutritional supplements when food is scarce.
Flower: Giant goldenrod
Scientific Name: Solidago gigantea
Year Adopted: 1895
Fun Fact: While some people claim goldenrod causes allergies, its pollen is too heavy for the wind to carry.
Flower: Sagebrush
Scientific Name: Artemisia tridentata
Year Adopted: 1967
Fun Fact: Sagebrush is used to make many items including tea, ropes, and blankets.

Credit: Wiki Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sagebrush_blooms.jpg
New Hampshire
Flower: Purple lilac
Scientific Name: Syringa vulgaris
Year Adopted: 1919
Fun Fact: While lilacs can be found throughout New Hampshire, they were introduced from Europe.
New Jersey
Flower: Purple violet
Scientific Name: Viola sororia
Year Adopted: 1971
Fun Fact: Violet seeds are contained in a capsule that explodes to release the seeds.
New Mexico
Flower: Yucca flower
Scientific Name: Yucca spp.
Year Adopted: 1927
Fun Fact: Yucca flowers are pollinated by yucca moths.
New York
Flower: Rose
Scientific Name: Rosa spp.
Year Adopted: 1955
Fun Fact: The fruit of the rose, a rosehip, is high in vitamin C. So call on these New York flowers when you’re feeling like you need a boost.
North Carolina
Flower: Flowering dogwood
Scientific Name: Cornus florida
Year Adopted: 1941
Fun Fact: The dogwood signals the arrival of spring, as noted by the numerous North Carolina dogwood festivals held in April.
North Dakota
Flower: Wild prairie rose
Scientific Name: Rosa blanda
Year Adopted: 1907
Fun Fact: The first class of the University of North Dakota relied on the prairie rose for inspiration regarding the school’s colors.
Flower: Scarlet carnation
Scientific Name: Dianthus caryophyllus
Year Adopted: 1953
Fun Fact: The scarlet carnation honors assassinated Ohioan President William McKinley.
Flower: Oklahoma rose
Scientific Name: Rosa ‘Oklahoma’
Year Adopted: 2004
Fun Fact: The Oklahoma rose is one of the most fragrant tea roses.

Credit: Wiki Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rosa_%27Oklahoma%27_kz01.jpg
Flower: Oregon grape
Scientific Name: Mahonia aquifolium
Year Adopted: 1899
Fun Fact: The inner bark of the Oregon grape can be used to produce a yellow dye that resembles the plant’s bright flowers.
Flower: Mountain laurel
Scientific Name: Kalmia latifolia
Year Adopted: 1933
Fun Fact: The Laurel Highlands region of PA is named after this flowering shrub.
Rhode Island
Flower: Violet
Scientific Name: Viola spp.
Year Adopted: 1968
Fun Fact: Not all violets are purple; they come in shades including white and yellow.
South Carolina
Flower: Yellow jessamine
Scientific Name: Gelsemium sempervirens
Year Adopted: 1924
Fun Fact: This yellow flower blooms in late winter signaling that spring is on its way.

Credit: Wiki Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gelsemium_sempervirens_8zz.jpg
South Dakota
Flower: Pasque flower
Scientific Name: Pulsatilla hirsutissima
Year Adopted: 1903
Fun Fact: This plant is toxic upon ingestion, but herbalists have used it to create medicinal products.
Flower: Iris
Scientific Name: Iris spp.
Year Adopted: 1933
Fun Fact: Before the iris was chosen as a state flower, Tennessee children chose the passionflower as a state symbol.
Flower: Bluebonnet
Scientific Name: Lupinus spp.
Year Adopted: 1901
Fun Fact: In the 1930s, the Texas highway department undertook an effort to spread bluebonnets throughout the state. Therefore, they are one of the most recognizable flowers in Dallas and other Texas cities.
Flower: Sego lily
Scientific Name: Calochortus nuttallii
Year Adopted: 1911
Fun Fact: Native Americans ate the sego lily’s roots. They passed their knowledge about the plant to the Mormons who entered Utah.
Flower: Red clover
Scientific Name: Trifolium pratense
Year Adopted: 1894
Fun Fact: Red clover is grown throughout Vermont as both animal feed and a ground cover.
Flower: American dogwood
Scientific Name: Cornus florida
Year Adopted: 1918
Fun Fact: The wood of the dogwood tree is very strong, which makes it prized for items like tool handles and arrows.
Flower: Coast rhododendron
Scientific Name: Rhododendron macrophyllum
Year Adopted: 1892 (Officially 1959)
Fun Fact: Washington women selected the coast rhododendron to represent the state at the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago. Was officially chosen as the state flower in 1959.
West Virginia
Flower: Great rhododendron
Scientific Name: Rhododendron maximum
Year Adopted: 1903
Fun Fact: All parts of the great rhododendron are extremely toxic to humans upon ingestion.

Credit: Wiki Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Great_laurel_(Rhododendron_maximum)_03.JPG
Flower: Wood violet
Scientific Name: Viola papilionacea
Year Adopted: 1909
Fun Fact: The small but beautiful wood violet is found across Wisconsin fields and forests.

Credit: Wiki Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Woolly_blue_violet_(25004428236).jpg
Flower: Indian paintbrush
Scientific Name: Castilleja linariaefolia
Year Adopted: 1917
Fun Fact: Indian paintbrushes are hemiparasitic which means they can steal nutrients from other plants.
This article has been updated with better information since its original publication on August 27, 2021.
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