Floral Partners

Los Angeles, Same-Day Artisan Florist Bouquets Are Here!

Mixed Flower Bouquet

Los Angeles, we now have hand crafted, artisan bouquets on demand!

Everything we stand for as a company — a top quality product, local sourcing and eco-friendly practices, and a simple but elegant design — is just as important to us when we work with new partners. We work exclusively with artisan florists who tout a similar aesthetic AND a great reputation, so you can rest easy knowing that the blooms you order are in good hands.

Here’s what recent customers had to say…

After a long day, such a sweet surprise coming home to a lovely artisan bouquet from @thebouqs #bouqlove
Sunday blooms Thanks @thebouqs!

Don’t settle for expensive, bad quality flowers just because you’re in a rush.

Instead, why not order from our handcrafted, one-of-a-kind artisan flower collection, arranged locally by the best florists in Los Angeles. And to put the cherry on top… we’ll deliver on demand in less than 2 hours.

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