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Dahlia Meaning and Symbolism

Purple, yellow, red, orange and bi-color dahlias

You know dahlias are gorgeous, but do you know what they mean? If you look past their layered petals and long-lasting blooms, you’ll find these flowers are tied to rich symbolism and meaning. With beauty and intrigue, it’s no wonder dahlia bouquets are so popular!

The neat thing is that not all dahlias have the same meaning. Both the flower color and location play a role in determining what a dahlia means. Dahlia symbolism includes inner strength, positive change, and commitment. By mixing and matching the different types of dahlia flowers, you can create a bouquet that sends just the message you’re looking for.

What’s in a Name?

When you’re looking at the symbolism of a flower, it’s always a good idea to start with the scientific name and etymological meaning. If you’re wondering “what is the meaning of dahlia?” take a look at the word itself.

Both the common name dahlia and the genus Dahlia honor botanist Anders Dahl. Dahl was a student of the famed taxonomist Carl Linneaus. In case you don’t already know, Linneaus was the person who came up with the naming system we still use today. While many people thought Linneaus named this flower, historical records show he died before there was any reference to a dahlia. Many historians believe that Royal Gardens director Anotonio Jose Cavanilles gave the dahlia flower its name.

Dahl also helped spur the common name valley flower. If you ever head to Sweden, you’ll learn that ‘dal’ means valley. Therefore, people refer to dahlias as valley flowers. So, if anyone tells you that this name means that dahlias only grow in valleys, go ahead and kindly set them straight.

Dahlia Flower Basics

In case you’re not familiar with these beautiful flowers, here is some basic information and facts.

Dahlias are a huge group of plants with diversity in shape, size, and color. Plant breeders have created a wide array of dahlia flowers, including single dahlias, cactus dahlias, and single orchid dahlias. Looking for a dark burgundy dahlia the size of a dinner plate? You got it! Prefer small flowers that resemble pink pom poms? You can have that too.

Along with being beautiful flowers, dahlias are relatively easy to grow. They bloom from midsummer through fall, lighting up landscapes even after trees have begun to drop their leaves. Although you can grow dahlias from seed, most gardeners opt to plant their tubers. After the tubers experience the right temperatures and moisture, they’ll sprout and grow into healthy flowers.

Dahlias also make excellent cut flowers. Whether you’re looking for an elegant single stem or a romantic wedding bouquet, dahlia flowers will fit the bill.

General Dahlia Meaning and Symbolism

While you can pull out different meanings based on dahlia flower color and tradition, there are some general meanings tied to all dahlia flowers.

  • New beginnings and fresh starts
  • Diversity amidst a boring world
  • Enduring kindness and grace, even when things are hard
  • Commitment to what is good

Dahlias are also the birth flower for November due to their ability to bloom late into the fall.

Meaning of Different Dahlia Colors

Like many types of flowers, the color has an impact on dahlia meaning. It’s possible to find dahlias of just about every color besides blue and black. Some flowers are deep burgundy, others are a mix of pink and yellow, and others are pure white.

While many dahlias are one color, some varieties have different colored stripes. That means you can mix and match colors to find just the meaning you’re looking for.

Red Dahlia Meaning

With bright, striking colors, red dahlias symbolize perseverance and the ability to overcome. They serve as a reminder of the inner strength everyone possesses, even in dark times. Therefore, they’re the perfect gift for someone who is going through a rough patch or recovering from an illness.

Some popular varieties of red dahlias include ‘Cornel Red,’ ‘American Beauty,’ and ‘Caliente.’

Pink Dahlia Meaning

It’s hard to look at a pink dahlia without feeling a bit better about the world! That’s why pink dahlias symbolize kindness and beauty. These flowers also symbolize feminine beauty, which makes them a great gift for any special lady in your life. And they’re perfect for Mother’s Day!

You can find many types of pink dahlias ranging from small pompons to large dinner plates. Check out ‘Linda’s Baby,’ ‘Caitlin’s Joy,’ and ‘Dancin’ Queen.’

Purple Dahlia Meaning

Like many purple flowers, purple dahlias are tied to royalty. If you’re trying to tell someone you respect and admire them, a purple dahlia is a great choice. They’re also great for mixing in with other colors to create a multi-toned bouquet.

You can find dahlias in shades of purple ranging from light lavender to deep violet. Check out ‘Lilac Bull,’ ‘Megan Dean,’ and ‘Purple Haze.’

Yellow Dahlia Meaning

Yellow dahlias are nothing but cheerful, so their flower symbolism is easy to see. These dahlias help us go through life with a bit of joy and childlike glee. If someone is having a bad day, a bouquet of yellow dahlias will help brighten things up and remind them that other people care.

You can find bright yellow dahlias like ‘Yellow Symphony,’ as well as muted yellow blooms like ‘Caramel Antique’ and ‘Labyrinth.’

White Dahlia Meaning

White dahlias symbolize innocence, purity, and new birth. While people often view white flowers as a blank canvas, white dahlia flowers are not short on beauty. Therefore, these flowers are a great gift for a baptism, a new baby, or other big events.

There are many different types of white dahlias with various petal shapes and bloom sizes. Some especially beautiful cultivars include ‘Snowbound,’ ‘Ryecroft Jan,’ and ‘Lulu Island Art.’

Green Dahlia Meaning

Green dahlia flowers symbolize big change and new beginnings while remaining true to oneself. Think of these green blooms representing little sprouts that will grow up into tall trees.

It’s harder to find green dahlias than red or pink blooms. Most of these flowers aren’t true green but rather a green-tinged yellow. One variety to check out is ‘Bell’s Limelight.’

Black Dahlia Meaning

There’s no doubting the symbolism behind the black dahlia. While most dahlia flowers hold positive meanings, this dark flower is linked to something a bit more sinister.

If you mention black dahlia, you’re talking about murder. In 1947, Elizabeth Short was brutally murdered in Los Angeles. Even after an extensive investigation, the murder remains unsolved.

During this time, it was common for reporters to nickname big crimes. That’s how this case became known as Black Dahlia. Wondering why? Some people reported that Short was known around LA by the nickname Black Dahlia. While it may have been a positive association at the time, the name now brings images of death and violence.

So, before you buy a bunch of black dahlias for your friends, think about the message you want to send. And know that you aren’t really giving black flowers; they’re actually very dark maroon.

Dahlias Around the World

While dahlias are native to Mexico and Central America, they have spread throughout the world. While they look similar in different countries, their symbolism varies.


Mexico loves dahlias so much that its people declared the garden dahlia the national flower of Mexico in 1963. While many people say this flower was chosen to honor the Aztec emperor Montezuma, records say otherwise. Despite people claiming that the dahlia was the emperor’s favorite flower, there’s no mention of the dahlia in historical texts.

The truth is that the leaders of the 1963 Floriculture Nacional event pushed President Adolfo Lopez Mateo to declare the dahlia the national flower. It worked.

It’s common for people to claim that the ancient Aztecs used the dahlia tubers for medicine. However, this all hinges on one little drawing in a 1552 manuscript on medicinal plants. While one flower resembles a dahlia, there’s no way to tell if this plant was another member of the Asteraceae family. So what does this mean? It’s possible the ancient Aztecs used dahlias for food and medicine, but probably not to the extent some people say.

Today, the dahlia is known as the Queen of the Autumn Garden since it blooms outlast many other fall flowers.

Victorian Era

Once the dahlia made its way to Europe, plant breeders got to work creating showy blooms. During the Victorian era, people began to see the dahlia as a sign of devotion and love. They were also viewed as symbols of beauty and dignity. With these flower meanings in mind, it’s no surprise dahlias were widely used in wedding celebrations.

United States

Today, dahlia flowers symbolize beauty, commitment, and kindness. They’re also tied to steadfastness due to their ability to bloom after many other flowers have died.

Growing Dahlias at Home

If you want to add these flowers to your garden, you’re in luck! Dahlias are hardy plants as long as you know how to properly grow and care for them. First thing first: it’s best to grow dahlias from tubers rather than seeds. Although you can grow these flowers from seeds, they won’t produce plants that resemble the parents. Starting with tubers allows you to produce a plant that’s a clone of the desired parent.

Once you get some dahlia tubers, you’ll want to plant them in the ground once the soil temperature warms up. Although you can plant them as early as May or June, you can also wait until summer arrives. You just want to ensure the plants have enough frost-free months to grow and flower. 

Choose a sunny site with well-draining soil, then plant the tubers a few inches below the ground. Keep the area free from weeds, maintain moist soil, and wait until shoots emerge. If you’d like straight stems, it’s a good idea to support your dahlia plants with a wooden stake or tomato cage. Before long, you’ll be rewarded with beautiful flowers!

While dahlias are tender annuals, you can reuse the tubers for multiple years. Around the time of the first fall frost, cut back the stems so only a few inches remain. Next, dig up the tubers and place them in a dark area to dry (don’t wash away the dirt since it helps prolong storage life). Once dry, you can divide each clump into individual tubers. Each healthy tuber will produce a new plant the following year.

Store the tubers in a cool, dark location until you are ready to plant the following spring.

Cut Dahlia Flowers

While dahlias are beautiful in the garden, they’re practically made to be cut and brought inside. They have sturdy stems and cute flower buds that are almost as beautiful as the dahlias themselves. However, be aware that these flowers aren’t extremely long-lasting. With the proper care, you should expect them to last for about five days in a vase.

The best time to harvest dahlias is in the morning when temperatures are cool. Use a pair of clean pruning shears and cut flowers that are at least three-quarters of the way open. It’s okay if the stem also contains closed buds—you can remove these after you harvest or leave them as added decor. Just make sure at least one flower per stem is open. While some flowers can be cut in bud form, don’t try this with dahlias; their buds won’t open after they’re removed from the plant.

Strip off the leaves and give the stem a fresh 45° cut. Place them in a vase filled with room temperature water, and make sure to change the water every few days.

Dahlia Fun Facts

If you can’t get enough of dahlias, you’ll enjoy learning about these interesting facts.

  • The chubby dahlia tubers don’t only grow new plants…they’re also edible! The tubers are starchy and taste a bit like a cross between a potato and a carrot.
  • Large dinnerplate-style dahlias can produce booms that are ten inches wide!
  • You can find close to 20,000 different dahlia cultivars, and new ones are produced each year.
  • Dahlias have eight sets of chromosomes, which is more than many other types of plants. This is one reason the flowers exhibit such a large diversity in bloom size, shape, and color.
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Order Beautiful and Meaningful Blooms

Now that you know more about dahlia symbolism, it’s time to learn about the meaning behind other flowers. We’ve put together an article explaining the poppy flower meaning and written an article to help you learn about the poinsettia’s meaning. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll be able to look at flowers in a whole new light.

And when it comes time to order a bouquet for your friend or your home, you can call on The Bouqs to help. We carry a wide range of flower arrangements, so you can find the perfect bouquet for your friend’s birthday, the holiday office party, and everything in between. And since we source our blooms from sustainable farms, you can breathe easy knowing you’ve done something good for the planet.

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