Bouqs Cash Promotion Details
Bouqs Cash is a promotional discount coupon that saves you money on Bouqs.com purchases. Bouqs Cash can be earned during specific time periods and can be redeemed via coupon code during separate redemption periods. Get on our email list to be the first to know when you can earn and redeem.
It's easy! Just spend $75 or more on a Bouqs.com purchase between September 16 - September 29, 2024. Following the earning period, you will be emailed a $10 Bouqs Cash coupon for each qualifying purchase.
Bouqs Cash is not legal tender. No cash back. Customer will receive a $10 Bouqs Cash coupon for every single transaction of $75+, during the stated earning window. A Bouqs Cash coupon is earned on the purchase amount after all applicable discounts are applied and before tax is imposed. Qualifying customer purchases exclude the purchase of The Bouqs Co. Gift Cards.
As long as your order was placed during the earning window, you will be eligible to earn Bouqs Cash.
Please note: Bouqs Cash cannot be redeemed on subscription orders.
Bouqs Cash is earned if a qualifying purchase was made within the earning window, regardless if your delivery date is within or outside of the earning/redemption windows.
If you’ve made a qualifying purchase within the earning window, you will get a Bouqs Cash coupon for each qualified order on the day the redemption date starts via email.
At checkout, in the "Payment" step, click "+Apply Code" and enter the coupon code in the "Promo Code" section and hit "Apply". The value of your Bouqs Cash discount will be deducted from your item subtotal amount.
Redeem Bouqs Cash during the redemption window listed. The next upcoming redemption window will be 10/14-10/27. Any Bouqs Cash not redeemed during the redemption window will expire on the last day of that redemption window (10/27/2024).
Bouqs Cash coupon codes will be delivered on the first day of the redemption window via email. The next upcoming redemption window will be 10/14-10/27.
Bouqs Cash codes will be delivered via email to the email address that was originally submitted at checkout during the earning window. If you did not receive your coupon(s), please reach out to customer service.
The limit does not exist. You will earn one Bouqs Cash coupon for each qualifying purchase of $75+ during the earning period. The more orders you place, the more Bouqs Cash you will earn.
Only one Bouqs Cash coupon code may be redeemed per transaction.
Yes! That’s right, the math is mathing. You may stack Bouqs Cash with an existing online promotion (hint: Bouqsday). Only one Bouqs Cash coupon may be redeemed per transaction.
If you cancel your order between the start of the earning period and the start of the redemption period, the value of the Bouqs Cash coupon earned and/or the amount of the merchandise refund will be reduced to reflect any unearned value.