Orange Asiatic Lily with orange and red roses with peach carnations.
A super-sweet explosion of rich red and orange roses, Asiatic lilies and peach carnations. Deep, bright, and unforgettable—just like all the best love stories.
Pro Tip: Your flowers will arrive fresh in our recyclable Bouqs box and may still be in bud form. This maximizes their shelf life, so they’ll last as long as possible! Please allow 2-3 days for your new buds to open and reach full bloom.
Please Note: While we always try our best to match the bouquet pictured, we remain dedicated to fresh, high-quality flowers. Occasionally substitutions including color variation or supplemental flower type may occur to ensure you receive our farmers’ freshest possible selection.
Due to local restrictions, this Bouq cannot be delivered to Hawaii.
Candy Crush

Know Your Roots Meet the farmer

Farmer Network
At The Bouqs Co., we partner with sustainable farms that put love and care into growing our Farm-to-Table flowers. And now we have farms all over the world, allowing us to bring you the most beautiful and fresh flowers.
Learn More about how our flowers are grown