Multicolored roses and pink roses with smiling woman

Mother’s Day Roses

Sending roses is the ultimate gesture of love—and since Mom’s love is unconditional, our Mother's Day rose bouquets are the perfect choice every time.

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Send Roses for Mother's Day

Mother's Day roses are a classic gift that any woman would love to receive. In 2025, Mother’s Day falls on Sunday, May 11th. Celebrate Mom with roses and say thanks to any woman who positively impacts you, your children, or the entire family. Send Mom happy wishes with a rose bouquet for Mother’s Day. 

  • Red Roses - Red rose bouquets are a classic Mother's Day gift for a reason. They can signify romance when you give them to your romantic partner, but they also represent love and respect when you give them to your mother. It’s hard to imagine anybody turning up their nose at a red rose bouquet!

  • Pink Roses - Pink roses are an elegant way to honor any motherly figure in your life. Pink is typically seen as a feminine color and represents the rebirth of spring, so they make great gifts for women like aunts, sisters, friends, or even your grandmother. If red roses feel too romantic, pink roses are the ideal choice. You may opt for hot pink roses or pink roses mixed with coral or peach roses for an elegant bouquet.

  • Purple Roses - Purple is historically the color of royalty, so a purple rose bouquet will make the mother in your life feel like a queen. Purple roses are vibrant and full of life, so they’re perfect for the mom on the go. They’re also a somewhat less traditional color, so they’ll appeal to moms who like to go against the grain.

  • White Roses - White roses make excellent additions when mixed in with other colors. While white roses may look bridal in certain arrangements, you can combine white roses with vibrant blooms for Mother’s Day.

Roses Delivered for Mother’s Day

At The Bouqs Co., expert florists design all our Bouqs. We offer everything from traditional bouquets to chic, modern arrangements that take hints from the Pantone color of the year or seasonal trends in fashion and beauty. Add a signature vase or one of our popular mason jars, so your mom can enjoy flowers without having to dig around for an old vase.


When to Buy Red Roses for Mother’s Day

It’s best to order your Mother’s Day roses ahead of time. We recommend the week or two before the holiday, so you’re not remembering last-minute on Mother’s Day Sunday. We run out of stock on some of our best-selling Bouqs before major floral-gifting holidays, so if you are looking for something specific or perhaps even unique, it’s best to order early and rest easy. Your farm-fresh flowers will arrive in time for the holiday and make Mom feel extra special.

Learn why you should send roses for Mother's Day this year. Let our experts answer all your questions about our rose bouquets, and be sure to place your order in time for the holiday this May.

Rose bouquets make ideal Mother’s Day gifts. No matter how far apart you are, a delivery of roses shows that you’re thinking of someone. They add a pop of color and a beautiful scent into any space. They're perfect for an indoor location such as the kitchen or living room or outdoors on a patio.

Mother’s Day rose delivery brings spring inside the home. Beyond being a representation of your love, a rose bouquet reminds us that the harsh winter lies behind us and summer lies ahead. Send mom a rose bouquet that encompasses love and life and rebirth. Moms love flowers, and we know that Mom’s always right.

Different rose colors have different meanings, so the best rose color for Mother’s Day will vary depending on who the delivery is for.

  • Romantic partner - If you’re thinking about Mother’s Day gifts for your wife or girlfriend, a red rose bouquet delivery should top your list. Whether you choose a traditional arrangement or a popular modern design with vibrant colors and other blooms mixed in with your roses, red roses make an iconic choice for your partner.

  • Stepmother, mother-in-law, or grandmother - Cheerful yellow rose bouquets are perfect for the mothers in your life who didn’t give birth to you. The yellow rose represents kindness and affection.

  • Sister, friend, or mentor - A pink rose bouquet delivery is ideal for the other strong women in your life. Pink roses are feminine without the romantic connotations of red roses.

  • Mom - You know your mom will appreciate any flower delivery that says happy Mother's Day. She’ll understand it comes from a place of love. Any rose color works well for Mom, but pink or peach may be the most popular options.

It’s up to you! Whether you’re thinking of going for a traditional dozen roses for Mom or grand-sized Bouq for every mother in your life, The Bouqs Co. can handle all your flower deliveries this Mother’s Day. We even have gift bundles, and plants for Mother’s Day if you want to try something different.

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