
Redwood City Flower Delivery

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Redwood City, CA. Pick your favorite artisan-crafted bouquet from our florists to send flowers to Redwood City.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery


Sending Flowers to Redwood City

Choosing the right flower shop doesn’t need to be a stressful experience. The Bouqs Co. offers farm-fresh flowers with delivery as soon as the same day when you order by noon in your recipient's time zone. You can rest assured that a beautiful bouquet will arrive on time and please any recipient.

How fresh are our Bouqs? Some blooms arrive in bud form, allowing your partner, friend, or family member to enjoy gorgeous floral arrangements as long as possible.

Climate Best By Government Test

Redwood City’s slogan is "Climate Best By Government Test." In a climatological survey conducted by the United States and German governments before World War I, Redwood City tied for the world's best climate with North Africa's Mediterranean coast and the Canary Islands.

Could there be a better place to enjoy farm-fresh flowers? We think not!

San Mateo County Flowers

The Bouqs Co. provides the best online flower delivery all around San Mateo County. Whether your loved ones live in Redwood City, Daly City, Menlo Park, San Mateo, San Carlos, South San Francisco, San Bruno, Pacifica, or Belmont, we can deliver amazing flowers.

Feel Good About Sending Flowers

You don’t have to worry about waste when you choose The Bouqs Co. Our responsibly-sourced flowers are cut after you order, eliminating the chance of flowers wilting before they can be delivered.

Redwood City Flowers

Redwood City Symbolic Flower

The bright orange California Poppy became California’s state flower on March 2, 1903.

Botanical Gardens Near Redwood City

Filoli Historic House & Garden 86 Cañada Rd, Woodside, CA 94062

Flower Market Near Redwood City

East Bay Wholesale Flower 4050 Alder Ave, Fremont, CA 94536

Flowers Endemic to Redwood City

Blueblossom Ceanothus (Ceanothus thyrsiflorus), Douglas Iris (Iris douglasiana), Carmel Ceanothus (Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. griseus), Checker Bloom (Sidalcea malviflora), California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica), California Wildrose (Rosa californica), Chaparral Pea (Pickeringia montana), Elegant Clarkia (Clarkia unguiculata)


Is Picking Wildflowers Legal in San Mateo County?

No, California law prohibits flower picking. Instead, why not take some pictures to enjoy forever?

What Time Will My Flowers Arrive?

Our local florist partners deliver same-day Bouqs by the end of the day, as long as you place your order by noon in your recipient's time zone. FedEx delivers the rest of our dazzling flowers by 8 p.m.

Do You Sell Plants in California?

Yes! From the fiery red and yellow blooms of the flamingo plant to the elegance of an orchid to the fun fronds of a fern, The Bouqs Co. has plants for every personality.