
Flower Delivery Daly City, CA

We ship sustainably grown flowers right to Daly City, CA! We cut when you order to be sure you receive fresh, long-lasting flowers!

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: TUE 03/11

3 Month Subscription: Farmer’s Market



Sending Farm-Fresh Flowers to Daly City, CA

Is it possible to get same-day flower delivery in Daly City, California? When you order a same-day bouquet by noon Pacific Time from The Bouqs Co., the answer is yes!

We partner with local florists to offer same-day delivery because we know that life happens fast. After all, good news, bad news, and babies tend to arrive unexpectedly! When you have a little more time to plan ahead, we also offer next-day delivery on a wider selection of our beautiful bouquets.

No Wasted Flowers

Other than same-day deliveries, our responsibly-sourced farm-fresh flowers are cut after you buy them. That helps prevent flowers from wilting before they can be delivered, so you can feel comfortable knowing we don’t waste any flowers.

San Francisco Flower & Garden Show

Flower enthusiasts in Daly City can’t miss the San Fran-Nor Cal Flower and Garden Show in Sacramento in April. With workshops, seminars, and specialty shops, the event has something for everyone.

San Mateo County Flowers

The Bouqs Co. can deliver flowers anywhere in San Mateo County. Whether your loved one lives in Daly City, South San Francisco, Brisbane, Menlo Park, Pacifica, San Mateo, San Bruno, or anywhere else in the San Francisco Bay area, we can deliver a stunning floral arrangement.

Daly City Flowers

Daly City Symbolic Flower

California chose the California Poppy as the state flower because the orange petals perfectly represent the Golden State.

Botanical Gardens Near Daly City

San Francisco Botanical Garden 1199 9th Ave, San Francisco, CA 94122

Flower Market Near Daly City

San Francisco Flower Markett 640 Brannan St, San Francisco, CA 94107

Flowers Endemic to Daly City

Blueblossom Ceanothus (Ceanothus thyrsiflorus), Western Columbine (Aquilegia formosa), Farewell To Spring (Clarkia amoena), Bush Monkey Flower (Mimulus aurantiacus), Sorrel (Oxalis oregana), Yellow Eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium californicum)


Do You Ship Vases With Flowers?

If your recipient doesn’t have a vase, you can add an elegant option to your flower order for a small additional charge.

What Time Will My Flowers Be Delivered?

When you order a Bouq for same-day delivery, our local florist partner will hand-deliver it by the end of the day. FedEx delivers the rest of our Bouqs by 8 p.m. While they attempt to deliver to businesses by 5 p.m., we can’t guarantee it.

Is it Legal to Pick Wildflowers in San Mateo County?

No, California does not allow picking wildflowers anywhere in the state. We think a social media-worthy picture is better, anyway!