
San Jose Flower Delivery

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to San Jose, CA. Pick your favorite artisan-crafted bouquet from our florists to send flowers to San Jose.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: FRI 03/07

Do You Want to Send Flowers in San Jose?

Have you ever needed flowers but didn’t know where to get them? Whether you’re looking for last-minute flowers, want to set up a schedule for flower delivery so you never miss an occasion, or you just want to surprise someone, we can help you out.

The Bouqs Co. has simplified flower bouquets so you can receive farm-fresh flowers direct to your doorstep. We’ve streamlined the flower delivery business for efficiency. We offer you flowers on your doorstep how you want them. Same-day, scheduled delivery for all occasions, flowers for your workplace, we can help you out.

Can I Order Same-Day Flower Delivery?

Yes! Just purchase a Same-Day Bouq by noon in your recipient's time zone. If you’ve missed our cut-off time for same-day orders, it’s okay, you can still select from the soonest available options such as next-day delivery. We make flower delivery easy so you can relax knowing fresh blooms are on the way.

What Time Will My Flowers Arrive?

Once you place your order you’ll receive a confirmation email. Then, when your flowers ship, you’ll get another email with a link to track your Bouq. You can stay updated while flowers journey to your destination.

Flowers in the Silicon Valley

San Jose loves technology but it also loves flowers. Santa Clara County hosts a number of flower shows every year. There is the Annual Camellia Show organized by The Santa Clara County Camellia Society, the California Native Plant Society’s Wildflower Show, and the popular Annual Spring Rose Show. San Jose is also home to the Municipal Rose Garden, which houses 189 varieties of roses and over 3,000 plants. San Jose loves its flowers and The Bouqs Co. loves to bring you those fresh blooms.

Your San Jose Florist

No matter what the occasion, The Bouqs Co. supports your floral needs. Need flowers for a birthday at the last minute that you forget? No problem! Sending a Sharks or Quakes fan some love? Check out our Bouqs with a hint of blue. It’s never a happy moment, but sometimes you need to send flowers for condolences in a rush. Don’t fret, we have you covered.

Where Can I Send Bouquets in Santa Clara County?

We offer delivery to all areas around San Jose. We deliver long-lasting flowers to Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Los Altos, Hillsborough, Menlo Park, Atherton.

Refresh Your Space: Flowers for Offices

Are you looking to brighten up your office or workplace with a pop of color and fresh floral aromas? We have just the right thing for you. From corporate workspaces to hotels to beauty salons, we have flower deals and subscriptions tailored just for your business needs. Bring a touch of nature into your workspace.

San Jose Flowers

San Jose Symbolic Flower

The California State Flower is the Poppy.

Botanical Gardens Near San Jose

Municipal Rose Garden 1649 Naglee Ave, San Jose, CA 95126

Flower Markets in San Jose

United Wholesale Flowers 2510 Channing Ave, San Jose, CA 95131

Flowers Endemic to San Jose

Blueblossom Ceanothus (Ceanothus thyrsiflorus), California Aster (Corethrogyne filaginifolia), Silver Lupine (Lupinus albifrons), Bush Monkey Flower (Diplacus aurantiacus), California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica), Chaparral Mallow (Malacothamnus fasciculatus)


What is the California state flower?

The California poppy.

Is the California poppy a real poppy?

The California poppy, also called the Golden poppy, California sunlight, and cup of gold is a flowering plant in the Papaveraceae family so yes, it’s considered a true poppy botanically. Its botanical name is Eschscholzia californica. However, there is an important difference. The California poppy is not an opiate and non-addictive.

Is it illegal to pick a wild California poppy?

This was a common myth for a long time in California. You might have been told in school it’s illegal to pick a wild poppy, but good news! It’s legal. If you find a wild-growing California poppy, feel free to pick one and take it home.

Why is the California poppy important?

Like many native plants and trees, the indigenous tribes of California used the California poppy for many uses. They used it as an oil, mixed it in food, and even used it as a cosmetic.