
Flower Delivery in Sunnyvale, CA

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Sunnyvale, CA. Pick your favorite artisan-crafted bouquet from our florists to send flowers to Sunnyvale.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: TUE 04/01

3 Month Subscription: Farmer’s Market



Do You Want to Send Flowers to Sunnyvale?

Are you tired of searching high and low for farm-fresh flowers? Grabbing flowers from the grocery store shelves works in a pinch, but do you know where these flowers came from? And many florists work with a middleman, which means they trace their flowers back to a warehouse rather than a farm.

The Bouqs Co. makes it easy to order fresh flowers! We source our flowers from sustainable farms in places like California and Ecuador. Since our blooms don’t spend any time-wasting around in warehouses, you receive gorgeous, long-lasting blooms!

Can I Order Same-Day Flower Delivery in Sunnyvale?

If you need flowers ASAP, we can help. We offer same-day and next-day flower delivery throughout Sunnyvale. To see what items are available, enter your recipient’s zip code on the Same-Day Bouqs page and pick an arrangement by noon Pacific Time. If you like to plan ahead, we can help with that as well. Ordering in advance will give you access to the widest selection of bouquets, and you’ll never miss another special occasion.

Building Community With Blooms

When you send someone flowers from The Bouqs Co. you help build community. Farm fresh flowers are a great way to help a loved one celebrate an anniversary or birthday. And thoughtful sympathy flowers let others know you care. And since we work with the farmers who grow our flowers, your purchase helps support farming communities.

Silicon Valley

It’s no secret that Sunnyvale loves tech. Companies including Google, Apple, and LinkedIn have offices in Sunnyvale, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t time for fun! Step outside and you’ll be delighted by the pleasant California weather. Head to one of the city’s parks to enjoy the sunshine or walk along the Bay for beautiful views.

Sunnyvale Florist

Our expert florists have created a wide variety of floral arrangements, so you can find something for everyone on your list. Browse our online store to find bouquets perfect for birthdays, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, and more. No matter what flower arrangement you order, you can rest assured you’ll receive beautiful and fresh flowers.

Where Can I Send Flowers Around Silicon Valley?

If you’re looking to send flowers to someone in Silicon Valley, you’re in luck! The Bouqs Co. can deliver flowers throughout Sunnyvale and the rest of the Bay Area. We deliver flowers to other local cities, including Fremont, Mountain View, Santa Clara, Palo Alto, San Jose, and of course San Francisco. We can also help you send flowers to California cities including San Diego and Los Angeles.

Sunnyvale Flowers

Sunnyvale Symbolic Flower

California Poppy

Botanical Gardens Near Sunnyvale

Charles Street Gardens 433 Charles St, Sunnyvale, CA 94086

Flower Market Near Sunnyvale

United Wholesale Flowers 2510 Channing Ave, San Jose, CA 95131

Flowers Endemic to Sunnyvale

silver lupine, baby blue eyes, sticky monkey, bush poppy, seaside daisy, bush anemone, common yarrow


What Types of Flowers Do You Deliver to Sunnyvale, CA?

We offer all sorts of flowers! Some varieties that we include in our floral arrangements include roses, tulips, lilies, sunflowers, and mums. Many of these flowers are available in single-type bouquets and in mixed arrangements.

Will My Flowers Come with a Vase?

It’s your choice. You can order a bouquet by itself, or you can add on a mason jar or signature vase.

What Time Will My Flowers Arrive in Sunnyvale?

While we can’t give you an exact arrival time, we will provide you with delivery updates. You’ll receive an email when you place an order and when your flowers ship. We’ll also send you a final email once your flowers arrive.