
Flower Delivery in Fort Wayne

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery throughout the Fort Wayne, IN area. Pick your favorite bouquet designed by expert florists to send flowers to Fort Wayne.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: WED 03/05

3 Month Subscription: Farmer’s Market



Are You Looking for Fast Flower Delivery in Fort Wayne, IN?

We get it, sometimes you forget a big event. When a birthday or anniversary sneaks up on you, you want to be able to send flowers ASAP. The problem is that the flowers on the street look old, and local flower shops require you to schedule deliveries a week in advance. What are you to do?

Call on The Bouqs Co. for flowers to order online! We offer same-day and next-day flower delivery to Fort Wayne. Plus, our florists carefully design our arrangements with farm-fresh flowers. When your loved one unboxes their flowers, they’ll have no idea you ordered them just a few hours prior.

Where Will My Flowers Come From?

While we can deliver flowers quickly, we’ve put lots of thought and care into where our flowers come from. We responsibly source our blooms from sustainable flower farms in places like Ecuador and California. After the blooms are cut, we create arrangements and then ship them directly to their new homes. Since the flowers don’t spend any time aging in a middleman’s warehouse, they’ll arrive as fresh as possible.

Send a Smile

If you want to brighten someone’s day, send them a bouquet! We have flower arrangements of all types, so you can find something for everyone on your list. Sunflowers for Mom? Roses for your partner? A tropical bouquet for your neighbor? You can do it all!

Summit City

While Fort Wayne might only be 810’ above sea level, it’s the highest point along the famous Wabash and Erie Canal. This elevation is a great spot to view the convergence of the Maumee, Saint Joseph, and Saint Marys Rivers. After you’ve got your bearings, head to the Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Science Central, or The Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory.

Meet Your Expert Fort Wayne Florist

There aren’t any moonlighting florists at The Bouqs Co. All of our florists live and breathe flowers...and it shows! Our online flower shop contains stunning arrangements such as mixed bouquets dotted with succulents and jaw-dropping rose arrangements. If you’re looking for something special, you won’t be disappointed.

Where Can I Send Flowers Around Allen County?

Are you tired of finding out that your loved one is outside of a florist’s delivery area? Not any more! We deliver flowers throughout all Fort Wayne and Allen County. That means we can help you send flowers to an office in West Central, a home in Brookside Estates, and a funeral home in Crestwood. We also offer flower delivery to other MidWest cities including Indianapolis, Detroit, and Columbus. Our delivery area includes the 48 continental states!

Fort Wayne Flowers

Fort Wayne Symbolic Flower

The peony (paeonia) is Indiana's state flower.

Botanical Gardens in Fort Wayne

Foellinger-Friemann Botanical Conservatory 1100 S Calhoun St, Fort Wayne, IN 46802

Master Gardener Display Gardens of Allen County 4001 Crescent Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46815

Flower Market in Fort Wayne

The Flower Market 5211 Merchandise Dr a, Fort Wayne, IN 46825

Flowers Endemic to Fort Wayne

Wingstem (Actinomeris alternifolia), Nodding Bur-Marigold (Bidens cernua), Pale Purple Coneflower (Echinacea pallida), Downy Sunflower (Helianthus mollis), Grey Goldenrod (Solidago nemoralis), Compass Plant (Silphium laciniatum), Brown-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia triloba)


How Big is the Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory?

The indoor gardens cover over 25,000 feet and contain over 500 species of plants! What’s even better is that you can visit the gardens during a cold winter day. Make sure to check out the loquat tree, coffee tree, and prickly pear cactus! You can also head outside to look for flowers like the Indiana state flower, the peony.

How Will My Flowers Arrive in Fort Wayne?

We take serious care to make sure your flowers arrive in great condition. After florists create your arrangement, they will pack the flowers in a special protective sleeve and box. Once the flowers arrive at your door, you’ll receive an email to let you know to bring them inside. answer

Do You Deliver Flowers to Funeral Homes in Fort Wayne?

Yes, we can. If you’d like to send sympathy flowers to a grieving loved one, we are happy to deliver them to funeral homes or private homes. Just make sure the location is currently accepting deliveries.