Do You Want to Send Flowers in East Lansing, MI?
When you need flower delivery, you want to ensure your loved ones receive the freshest blossoms possible rather than yesterday’s leftovers. For farm-fresh flowers, you need to choose The Bouqs Co. We cut the majority of our flowers only after somebody has purchased them. You or your loved one receives flowers as soon as the next day after they were cut. In fact, our blooms as so fresh, they may arrive in bud form for lasting enjoyment.
Responsibly-Sourced Flowers in Michigan
Did you know traditional methods of flower delivery result in up to half the blooms dying before anybody has a chance to enjoy them? At The Bouqs Co., we created a better way to handle flower delivery. With the exception of our lovely Same-Day Bouqs, we don’t cut our flowers until after somebody orders them, resulting in less than 7% stem loss.
Ingham County Flowers
The Bouqs Co. can deliver beautiful bouquets all around Ingham County, including East Lansing, Leslie, Mason, Williamston, Lansing, Dansville, Stockbridge, and Webberville.
Jam at the Summer Solstice Jazz Festival
For more than 25 years, the Summer Solstice Jazz Festival has brought music to East Lansing in partnership with the MSU College of Music. For an entire weekend every June, you can enjoy all the jazz music you can handle.
East Lansing Flowers
East Lansing Symbolic Flower
The Michigan State Flower is the Apple Blossom.
Botanical Gardens in East Lansing, MI
W.J. Beal Botanical Garden W Circle Dr, East Lansing, MI 48824
Flower Market Near East Lansing, MI
Mayesh Wholesale Florist, Inc. 35935 Ecorse Rd, Romulus, MI 48174
Flowers Endemic to East Lansing
White Baneberry (Actaea pachypoda), Wild Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis), Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides), Rose Mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos), Marsh Blazing Star (Liatris spicata), Stiff Goldenrod (Oligoneuron rigidum), Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum virginianum)
Do You Offer Same-Day Flower Delivery in East Lansing?
Yes! When you order by noon Michigan time, you can choose an exquisitely arranged bouquet to be delivered by the end of the day.
Can You Deliver Flowers to Hospitals in Michigan?
Yes; however, we can’t ensure they will reach your recipient’s room. Same-Day Bouqs get hand-delivered to the front desk, while the rest of our outstanding floral arrangements get delivered to the mailroom. Also, no ICUs accept flower deliveries of any kind.
Will My Flowers Be Safe from the Cold?
Yes! We know how brutal Michigan winters can be, so we wrap our flowers in protective sleeves before packing them in protective boxes to ship them to you.