
Flower Delivery Detroit

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery throughout the Detroit, MI area. Pick your favorite bouquet designed by expert florists to send flowers to Detroit.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: THU 03/27

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Detroit Flowers

Detroit has given life to everything from automobiles to music to thoughtful renovations. Even as the city has changed, its beauty remains. The Bouqs Co. celebrates all that has blossomed in Detroit by offering farm-fresh flower delivery.

Celebrate the Motor City

In the past century, Detroit has played a major role in the US auto industry as well as the development of music at the famous Motown Records. While the city experienced its fair share of challenges, it continues to be a vibrant place filled with life. Just walking around Detroit is a show unto itself with architectural marvels including The Guardian Building, Fisher Building, and Fox Theatre. Of course, you can also head inside to buy some food at the Eastern Market or learn about Detroit’s musical history at the Motown Museum.

While winters can be a bit cold, summer is a beautiful time to hang out on the shores of the Detroit River or take a short trip to Lake Erie. Or you can head to Belle Isle Park to check out the aquarium, nature center, and Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory. Even when it’s cold outside, you can enjoy tropical trees, succulents, and flowers.

Detroit, MI Flower Delivery

Another way to spread cheer no matter the time of year is by sending flowers! We offer flower delivery to Detroit and the surrounding areas. Some of the locations in our delivery area include Grandale, North End, Mexicantown, West Village, University District, and Highland Park. We also deliver flowers to surrounding areas including Dearborn, Westland, Taylor, and St. Clair Shores. Have friends and family in other cities? No problem! We deliver to Chicago, Indianapolis, and neighborhoods across the United States.

Your Local Detroit Florist

Our florist team works to create a wide variety of flower arrangements. That way, you’ll be able to find just the flowers you need, no matter the occasion and your style. Whether you’re looking for birthday flowers, Valentine’s Day roses, or a flower arrangement for Mother’s Day, we can help you find what you’re looking for. We also offer sympathy flowers, funeral flowers, and even Bouqs that help celebrate the Lions’ or Red Wings’ big win!

Same-Day and Next-Day Flower Delivery

Did a birthday sneak up on you? Or did you just find out your friend is sick? No worries! We offer same-day and next-day delivery on some of our flower arrangements. That means you can have flowers delivered to Detroit ASAP. Just enter your delivery date in our online flower shop to see what Bouqs are available.

Detroit Flowers

Detroit Symbolic Flower

Michigan’s state flower is the apple blossom.

Botanical Gardens Near Detroit

Detroit Garden Center 1900 E Jefferson Ave # 227, Detroit, MI 48207

Flower Market Near Detroit

Basic Wholesale Floral Distributors LLC 13981 Meyers Rd, Detroit, MI 48227

Flowers Endemic to Detroit

Black-eyed susan, Common Milkweed, Blue vervain, False sunflower, Wild bergamot, Cardinal Flower, Sundrops


What time will my flowers be delivered?

While we can’t give you an exact time, you will be able to track the progress of your flowers. Once you order your Bouq, you’ll be given a tracking link to help you stay up to date on when your flowers will arrive.

What locations do you deliver to?

We offer flower delivery to all sorts of places! Some of the locations we deliver to include homes, apartments, offices, hospitals, and funeral homes.

Do you deliver to areas besides Detroit?

Yes! If you’re in Detroit but your recipient isn’t, don’t worry! We offer flower delivery to US cities including Chicago, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Ann Arbor.

What is the Michigan state flower?

It’s the apple blossom! While everyone loves these crunchy fruits, their blooms also deserve some love.