
Flower Delivery Akron, OH

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Akron, OH. Pick your favorite artisan-crafted bouquet from our florists to send flowers to Akron.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Light Pink Rose Floral Arrangement

The Angels



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First Available: WED 03/05

Do You Want Flower Delivery in Akron, OH?

Looking for flower delivery online can be frustrating. After all, how can you be sure the blooms your loved one receives look as good as the picture?

That’s where The Bouqs Co. comes in. Our farm-fresh flowers arrive as soon as the next day after they were cut, providing your family member, friend, or partner with the longest possible time to enjoy the thoughtful floral arrangement you sent them.

Send Responsibly-Sourced Flowers

Have you ever thought about how many flowers die while they sit around waiting for somebody to buy them? We do things differently at The Bouqs Co. For most of our beautiful bouquets, we don’t cut the flowers until after somebody orders them, and we ship them directly from farms that use responsible farming techniques like recycling water, minimizing waste, and using sustainable growing practices.

Farm-Fresh Flowers in Rubber City

While Akron may no longer be the “rubber capital of the world,” it’s still a great place to live, and we deliver farm-fresh flowers all around the city.

Celebrate at Akron Pride Festival

Show your pride or be a loyal LGBTQ+ ally by attending the Akron Pride Festival each year. More than just a parade, the Akron Pride Festival includes 3 stages with music, dancing, and drag shows throughout the day and into the evening, with fireworks at 9:30.

Akron Flowers

Akron Symbolic Flower

Ohio’s state flower is the Carnation.

Botanical Gardens Near Akron

Beech Creek Botanical Garden & Nature Preserve 11929 Beech St NE, Alliance, OH 44601

Flower Market Near Akron

Canton Wholesale Floral Inc 7575 Supreme Ave NW, North Canton, OH 44720

Flowers Endemic to Akron

Bee Balm (Monarda didyma), Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), Blue False Indigo (Baptisia australis), Blue Flag (Iris versicolor), Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata), Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis), Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis)


Where Can I Get Flowers Delivered Around Akron?

We deliver flowers all around Akron, including Cascade Valley, Chapel Hill, Downtown, East Akron, Ellet, Fairlawn Heights, Firestone Park, Goodyear Heights, Highland Square, Kenmore, Middlebury, Sherbondy Hill, Summit Lake, Wallhaven, and West Hill.

Do You Offer Same-Day Flower Delivery?

Yes! We have some lovely floral arrangements available for delivery as soon as tonight when you order by noon Ohio time.

Do You Also Sell Plants in Ohio?

We sure do! You can send a ficus to your father, a coffee plant to your cousin, a fern to your friend, a monstera plant to your mother-in-law, a succulent to your stepbrother, and a money tree to your mom.