
Teacher's Day Bouqs

Show your appreciation (and smarts!) with a Bouq from this curated collection of flowers for teachers.

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white asiatic lily flower arrangement




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First Available: TUE 04/01

Better Than an Apple –– Flowers for Teachers

Teachers, the heroes of our society. A collective of dedicated, passionate individuals armed with calculators and textbooks, ready to educate our next generation’s greatest leaders. Take just a brief moment to think about your time spent in school… Ready? We bet you can name at least one teacher who made a serious impact on your life. So, it’s only right that we should have a day that honors these committed professionals.

Teacher’s Day can be celebrated in a variety of ways, but our favorite version most certainly includes a bright bouquet. Not sure what qualifies as a “flower for teachers”? Well, we’re here to help you make an educated guess. We’d like to think that the perfect teacher appreciation Bouq balances bright colors and thoughtful design to create the perfect gift for the first day of school.

So make sure to mark your calendar for National Teacher Day. It falls on the Tuesday of Teacher Appreciation Week, which occurs during the first full week of May. From there, choose between colorful lilies, tulips, Gerbera daisies, snapdragons, and other farm-fresh, friendly blooms that say thanks to your favorite teacher.