
Flower Delivery Staten Island

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Staten Island, NY. Pick your favorite artisan-crafted bouquet from our florists to send flowers to Staten Island.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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Do You Want to Send Fresh Flowers to Staten Island?

Are you tired of relying on street carts and grocery store coolers for flowers? While these options can work in a pinch, they often leave you with wilted or lackluster blooms. Why settle for anything but the best?

Fortunately, there’s a better way. The Bouqs Co. partners with farms to bring fresh flowers to Staten Island and the rest of NYC. By cutting out the middleman, we limit the amount of time flowers spend in transit so you receive long-lasting blooms.

Can I Order Same-Day Flower Delivery in Staten Island?

You can! Not only do we provide beautiful flower arrangements, but we can get them to you fast. If you need flowers ASAP, you can order an arrangement for same-day or next-day delivery. We also allow you to schedule deliveries ahead of time so you never miss another birthday or anniversary.

Flowers Fresh from Sustainable Farms

We responsibly source our flowers from sustainable farms to bring you the freshest flowers possible. Unlike other Staten Island florists, we don’t utilize a middleman. That means our flowers don’t spend any time wasting away in a cooler, and you receive long-lasting blooms.

The Greenest Borough

While Central Park may be the most famous park in New York, we know that Staten Island greenspace deserves some recognition. With over 9,000 acres of parkland, it’s not hard to find a spot to picnic or go for a walk. And with the lowest population density of all the boroughs, you might even be able to find a place all for yourself.

Flowers Delivered Tomorrow to Staten Island

We have flowers for every special occasion! If you’re searching for a bouquet for a big holiday like Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day, you’ll find lots of options. We also carry birthday flowers, wedding flowers, and sympathy flowers. We offer same-day and next-day delivery on some of our most popular bouquets so if you’re last-minute shopping, we’ve got you covered.

Where Can I Send Flowers Around New York?

We deliver flowers throughout all of Staten Island and the rest of New York. Some of the neighborhoods we deliver to in Staten Island include Great Kills, West Brighton, Tompkinsville, South Shore, and North Shore. We also deliver to Brooklyn and the rest of New York.

Staten Island Flowers

Staten Island Symbolic Flower

Pinkster Azalea

Botanical Gardens Near Staten Island

Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden 1000 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10301

Flower Market Near Staten Island

Rudolph Helen 100 Crabtree Ave, Staten Island, NY 10309

Flowers Endemic to Staten Island

Blue mistflower, yarrow, cardinal flower, bee balm, coneflower, mayapple


Do You Sell Funeral Flowers in Staten Island?

Losing a loved one is never easy, but flowers can make a loss a little bit better. We offer funeral flowers and sympathy flowers when it comes time to show a loved one you care. We’re happy to deliver flowers to funeral homes including Virginia Funeral Chapel, MPH Funeral, )and Scalia Funeral Home.

What Types of Flowers Do You Deliver to Staten Island?

Our expert florists utilize a wide variety of blooms to create our beautiful bouquets. We use classics such as lilies, roses, and tulips as well as less common blooms like ginger flowers and sea holly. That means you can find something that all your loved ones will adore.

Will My Flowers Come With a Vase?

It’s up to you! You can order a flower arrangement on its own or add one of our vases.

Do You Sell Plants to New York?

Yes, we do! Our online store contains healthy houseplants that are waiting for the perfect home. Some of the plants we offer include succulents, cacti, and orchids. We can deliver all our plants to Staten Island, so there’s no excuse not to add one to your home.