
Flower Delivery Bronx

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to the Bronx, NY. Pick your favorite artisan-crafted bouquet from our florists to send flowers to the Bronx.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

colorful rose mix




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First Available: THU 03/27

Want to Send Fresh Flowers But Don’t Know Where to Buy Them?

We get you. It’s hard to know which florist to trust. You might have brought home flowers before and had them shrivel after only a day or two. You want fresh flowers with a long vase-life. But many florists just want to move inventory before it wilts in a few days.

The Bouqs Co. is here to help. We are a customer-first flower delivery company. We take the guesswork out of ordering flowers. We cut our flowers fresh at the farm. Then, we ship them directly to your front door. This cuts out the middleman and ensures you receive fresh blooms which last longer. You won’t get flowers that have been sitting around in a refrigerator for a week.

Can I Order Flowers Right Now?

Yes. The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower bouquets for the 21st century. Just enter your recipient’s zip code and the date you want the bouquet delivered. Then all you need to do is select the Bouq that you love. If you need some last-minute flowers, some bouquets might not be available, but you can still select from the available arrangements or choose next-day delivery instead.

Blooms in the Boogie Down

The Bronx has long been home to the world-famous Yankee Stadium. It’s been home to Babe Ruth and Alex Rodriguez. And down the street from Yankee Stadium sits another Bronx staple, the New York Botanical Gardens, an epicenter for flowers in the city. The Botanical Gardens burst with blossoms from early spring with the camellias and Japanese apricots to late fall when the chrysanthemums bloom in October and November. There are numerous collections that bloom in between. If you want inspiration for your home garden, the NYBG is a must-visit.

Your Florist in the Bronx

Like everything else in the Bronx, not everyone likes the same style. Your mom might be a member of Carnation Nation, but for your love, it’s peonies or bust. No worries. The Bouqs Co. offers collections with a wide variety of flowers and floral styles, so don’t stress finding something for any of your loved ones. And in the birthplace of hip-hop, sometimes it’s the thought that counts the most. We believe sending flowers helps spread more compassion in the community no matter what occasion.

Whether you’re looking for bright birthday flowers, festive anniversary arrangements, or more somber sympathy bouquets, we have just the right Bouq for you. Trust us with all your floral needs and we’ll respond with long-lasting flowers sourced from farms that practice sustainable farming.

Bronx Flowers

Bronx Symbolic Flower

In 2000, the Bronx’s official flower was changed to the day lily from the stinky corpse flower.

Botanical Gardens in the Bronx

New York Botanical Garden 2900 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NY 10458

Flower Market in the Bronx

Hunts Point Flower Market 1152 Randall Ave, Bronx, NY 10474

Flowers Endemic to the Bronx

Wild blue lupine (Lupinus perennis), Smooth blue aster (Aster laevis, syn. Symphyotrichum laeve), Wild columbine (Aquilegia canadensis), Spotted bee-balm (Monarda punctata), Birdfoot violet (Viola pedata), Seaside goldenrod (Solidago sempervirens), Field pussytoes (Antennaria neglecta)


What’s the State Flower of New York?

The rose.

Will My Flowers Come With a Vase?

If you want them to. When you are checking out just select a vase or mason jar to go with your order. On select bouquets, you also have the chance to select an add-on gift if you want to pair your flowers with something extra.

Will my flowers be delivered safely to the Bronx?

Absolutely. Flowers are delicate. The more hands the flowers pass through and the more they are handled, the more they get worn down. We cut our flowers from our partner farms and box them up for delivery to your door. We package them with the sturdiest greenery on the outside and your precious blooms in the center. This gives them natural protection before we even wrap and secure them inside the box.

Where do you deliver around the Bronx?

We deliver all around the Bronx from Hunts Point to Williamsbridge. We deliver to surrounding areas including Yonkers and Mt. Vernon as well to all the boroughs of New York: Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and Manhattan.