
Flower Delivery Greenwich Village, NYC

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Greenwich Village, NY. Pick your favorite artisan-crafted bouquet from our florists to send flowers to Greenwich Village.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: THU 03/27

3 Month Subscription: Farmer’s Market



Do You Want to Send Flowers to Greenwich Village?

Looking for the best online flower delivery service? You’ve found it! You won’t find fresher flowers anywhere on the internet.

At The Bouqs Co., we wait to cut our flowers until after you order them (with the exception of same-day delivery). Your partner, friend, or family member will receive a floral arrangement so fresh that some blooms may still be in bud form. Our system allows your loved one to enjoy your thoughtful gift for even longer than traditional flower delivery.

Send Responsibly-Sourced Flowers

We work with farmers who use responsible farming practices like recycling water. Additionally, cutting flowers after you order them results in much less stem loss than other flower delivery methods.

Flower Delivery in the Village and Beyond

The Bouqs Co. delivers farm-fresh flowers all around Manhattan. Whether your loved ones live in Sugar Hill, Carnegie Hill, Koreatown, Alphabet City, the Garment District, Hamilton Heights, the Theater District, Upper Manhattan, the Meatpacking District, Chelsea, Hell’s Kitchen, Chinatown, the Financial District, Harlem, or the Upper East Side, we can deliver beautiful bouquets.

Attend the Village Trip

Every September, check out the Village Trip, a 9-day festival that celebrates Greenwich Village and all it has given the world. Featuring music events, talks, tours, and more, the Trip is an amazing way to get to know the city.

Greenwich Village Flowers

Greenwich Village Symbolic Flower

New York’s official state flower is the rose.

Botanical Gardens Near Greenwich Village

6BC Botanical Garden 630 E 6th St, New York, NY 10009

Flower Market Near Greenwich Village

G.Page Wholesale Flowers 120 W 28th St, New York, NY 10001

Flowers Endemic to Greenwich Village

Smooth blue aster (Aster laevis, syn. Symphyotrichum laeve), Wild columbine (Aquilegia canadensis), Wild blue lupine (Lupinus perennis), Spotted bee-balm (Monarda punctata), Seaside goldenrod (Solidago sempervirens), Birdfoot violet (Viola pedata), Field pussytoes (Antennaria neglecta)


Do You Offer Same-Day Delivery in Greenwich Village?

Yes! Some of our most beautiful flower arrangements are available for same-day and next-day flower delivery in Greenwich Village when you place your order by noon Eastern Time.

Can You Deliver to Hospitals in NYC?

Yes, we can deliver to hospitals in the Big Apple. However, we can’t guarantee the flowers will make it to your loved one’s room, and ICUs forbid flower deliveries.

Will My Flowers Be Safe from the Cold?

We know how brutal New England winters can be, so we wrap our Bouqs in a protective sleeve before putting them in a box. However, you should still bring them inside as soon as you can.