
Flower Delivery in Providence, RI

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery throughout the Providence, RI area. Pick your favorite bouquet designed by expert florists to send flowers to Providence.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: THU 03/27

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Sending Flowers to Providence, RI

Whew, another missed delivery? Or is it wilted flowers this time? Ordering flowers should be a treat, but sometimes it causes a headache. If you’re thinking there must be another way, you’re right!

The Bouqs Co. has rethought flower delivery and come up with a model that makes everyone happy. We responsibly source our flowers from sustainable farms and get to work shipping them to you. Since your blooms don’t spend any time wasting away in a warehouse, they arrive ready to please. And with a wide delivery area and excellent customer service, you’ll find yourself beaming before your flowers even arrive.

Can I Order Same-Day Flower Delivery in Providence?

If you’re in a pinch and need flowers ASAP, you can take advantage of our same-day or next-day flower delivery options. And if you like to plan ahead, you can buy flowers online and have them delivered at a future date.

Responsibly-Sourced Flowers

When we say our flowers are responsibly sourced, we mean it. Many florists and flower shops order their blooms from warehouses, which means they have little idea where they were grown. We have established close relationships with farms in places like Ecuador and California to ensure our blooms meet environmental and social standards.

Big Flowers in Little State

Since Providence is located in the tiny state of Rhode Island, some people think there’s not a whole lot going on here. But if you live in Providence, you know that’s far from the truth! With water all over and great walkability, it’s easy to stroll through the Brown University campus, stop for dinner, and end with a sunset in one of the many city parks.

Providence Florist

Our flowers are gorgeous as well as farm fresh. Our talented floral designers have created flower arrangements to fit every personality and event. Visit our online store to find everything from graceful sympathy flowers to modern birthday flowers. We’re also happy to help you find the perfect bouquet for big holidays like Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day.

Where Can I Send Flowers Around Rhode Island?

Not only can we help you send flowers throughout Providence, but we can also deliver flowers across Rhode Island and the rest of New England. So keep us in mind if you’re looking to send flowers to Boston or New York City! Some local areas we deliver to include Cranston, Pawtucket, Warwick, Smithfield, and Woonsocket.

Providence Flowers

Providence Symbolic Flower

Common blue violet

Botanical Gardens Near Providence

Roger Williams Park Botanical Garden Floral Ave, Providence, RI 02905

Flower Market Near Providence

The Floral Reserve 1 Sims Ave #102, Providence, RI 02909

Flowers Endemic to Providence

Yarrow, pearly everlasting, tall bellflower, spring beauty, wild lupine, creeping phlox


What Providence Locations Can You Deliver Flowers To?

We’re happy to deliver flowers to any location that is currently accepting deliveries. This includes offices, funeral homes, hospitals, college dorms, private homes, and nursing homes.

Will My Flowers Be Safe From the Rhode Island Cold?

If you order flowers in the winter, you’re probably wondering if they’ll be okay during travel. You don’t have to worry, because we pack our flowers with both hot and cold temperatures in mind. With that said, it’s still best to bring your flowers inside ASAP. We make this easy to do by sending you an email to notify you that your flowers have arrived.

What Types of Flowers Do You Sell?

We wish we had the space to list them all! We sell classic blooms like roses and lilies as well as unique flowers like ginger blooms and anemone. Our florists arrange these blooms in single variety bouquets as well as mixed flower arrangements.