
Oklahoma City Flower Delivery

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Oklahoma City. Send flowers online from our expert florists for same-day delivery in Oklahoma City.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: TUE 03/11

3 Month Subscription: Farmer’s Market



Do You Want to Send Flowers in Oklahoma City?

It’s difficult to find a florist that offers just what you’re looking for. Outdated arrangements, wilting flowers, and unreliable delivery services are all common problems in the flower delivery industry. However, it doesn’t have to be this way!

The Bouqs Co. offers farm-fresh flower delivery in Oklahoma City! We responsibly source our flowers from sustainable farms so you receive long-lasting flowers, and growers receive the respect they deserve. Plus, we carry a wide variety of flower arrangements so you’re sure to find something you’ll love.

Can I Order Same-Day Flower Delivery in Oklahoma City?

Yes! We know that sometimes you need flowers ASAP. When that special occasion sneaks up on you or a friend ends up in the hospital, you can count on our same-day flower delivery. If you’ve found out that you’ve missed the cutoff time for same-day delivery (noon in your recipient's time zone), don’t fear. You can still order flowers for next-day delivery.

Farm-Fresh Flowers and Genuine Smiles

The Bouqs Co. loves delivering unique, farm-fresh bouquets to residents of Portland and the surrounding Oregon communities. Whether it’s happy birthday flowers, flowers to commemorate an anniversary or milestone, or condolence flowers to send sympathy, we have the right bouquet to show you care. We also offer subscription flower delivery if you want flowers to freshen up your office, or to schedule delivery for loved ones for important dates. Real estate agents that stage homes also love our subscription for flower arrangements.

Blooms in OKC

When you think of OKC, you probably imagine cowboys, oil fields, and prairies rather than flowers. But we’re here to let you in a little secret: there are plenty of places in Oklahoma City to spend a day amidst plants and flowers! Myriad Botanical Gardens offers 17-acres of gardens right in the heart of the city. It’s easy to spend hours here catching a glimpse of colorful outdoor blooms and tropical indoor gardens. Another great place to spend a day with plants is Will Rogers Gardens. This public park contains a 7-acre arboretum and conservatory filled with unique plants.

Oklahoma City Flowers

Oklahoma City Symbolic Flower

Mistletoe became Oklahoma's floral emblem in 1893.

Botanical Gardens Near Oklahoma City

Myriad Botanical Gardens 301 W Reno Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102

Flower Market Near Oklahoma City

Oklahoma Flower Market 36 N Broadway Cir, Oklahoma City, OK 73103

Flowers Endemic to Oklahoma City

Common Yarrow, Downy Serviceberry, Fringed Bluestar, Butterflyweed, Wild Blue Indigo, Pink Poppy-mallow, American Bellflower


Will My Flowers Arrive in Oklahoma City with a Vase?

It’s up to you! You can add a vase onto your flower arrangement, or order flowers and use a vase you have at home.

What Types of Flowers Do You Offer?

We have all sorts of flowers available for delivery to Oklahoma City! Some of the types of flowers we offer include roses, tulips, sunflowers, lilies, and ranunculus. We have birthday flowers, sympathy flowers, and bouquets perfect for Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day. And if you’re not looking for flowers, we even carry houseplants!

What is the Oklahoma State Flower?

The Oklahoma Rose! This type of tea rose has a strong rose scent that many people love.