
Lubbock Flower Delivery

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Lubbock, TX. Send flowers online from our expert florists for same-day delivery in Lubbock.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: TUE 03/11

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Are You Looking for Fresh Flower Delivery in Lubbock?

When you order flowers for yourself or a loved one, you’re expecting fresh blooms that brighten a space. However, ordering flowers from a big retailer or picking up a bouquet from the grocery store can leave you feeling disappointed.

The Bouqs Co. offers farm-fresh flowers that spark smiles and let others know you care. With lots of styles to choose from, you can find something for everyone in your life. And since we responsibly source our flowers from sustainable farms, you can feel good about your purchase.

Can I Order Same-Day Delivery in Lubbock?

You sure can! We know that sometimes you need last-minute flowers, so we offer both same-day and next-day flower delivery. Enter your recipient’s zip code on our Same-Day Bouqs page to see what items are available and order by noon in your recipient's time zone. For the widest variety of blooms, it’s best to order ahead.

Send Flower and Smiles

When you send someone a flower bouquet online, you’re not only sending them flowers, you’re also showing kindness. While this might sound a bit cheesy, it’s true! So pick some tulips for your neighbor or birthday flowers for your friend. If you’re on the fence about ordering flowers, remember the world can never have too much kindness!

Hub City

As the economic and cultural gathering point of the South Plains area of Texas, Lubbock offers fine dining, casual hangs, and lots of music (Buddy Holly was born here). It also hosts students and researchers at Texas Tech University.

Lubbock Florist

Our floral designers have worked hard to create stunning bouquets from our farm-fresh blooms. With a wide variety of arrangements available, you can find flowers for everyone in your life. Think roses for Valentine’s Day, tulip’s for your best friend’s birthday, and a mixed arrangement for yourself! No matter if you’re looking for flowers for a big occasion like Mother’s Day or blooms for a regular Thursday, you’ll be able to find something you love.

Where Can I Send Flowers Around the South Plains?

We can help you send flowers throughout Lubbock and the rest of the South Plains region of Texas. Some of the areas we deliver flowers to include Wolfforth, Plainview, Slaton, and Post. If you want to send flowers to a loved one in another part of Texas, you’re in luck! We can deliver flowers to cities including Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin.

Lubbock Flowers

Lubbock Symbolic Flower


Botanical Gardens Near Lubbock

Lubbock Memorial Arboretum 4111 University Ave, Lubbock, TX 79413

Flower Market Near Lubbock

Lubbock Wholesale Florists 1601 Ave F Lubbock, TX 79401

Flowers Endemic to Lubbock

White sagebrush, lanceleaf coreopsis, butterfly weed, gayfeather, pigeonberry


Do You Deliver Flowers to Lubbock Funeral Homes?

Yes, we can deliver sympathy and funeral flowers to funeral homes. We can also help you send flowers to hospitals, nursing homes, and college dorms. As long as a location is currently accepting deliveries, we can get your flowers there.

Will My Flowers Come with a Vase?

We think choices are great, so we allow you to order flowers with or without a vase. That means you can use a favorite vase you have at home or send flowers and a vase to a friend.

Do You Sell Houseplants in Lubbock?

We can deliver all of our houseplants to Lubbock. That means you can order yourself a succulent or send an orchid to a friend.

What Types of Flowers Do You Sell?

We have all kinds of flowers available! Some of our most popular blooms include roses, sunflowers, lilies, and tulips.