
Flower Delivery in Burbank

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Burbank. Send flowers online from our expert florists for same-day delivery in Burbank.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: TUE 04/01

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Do You Need to Send Flowers in Burbank?

Finding a trustworthy partner for flower delivery can be tricky. Did you know a lot of local flower shops will purchase their flowers via WhatsApp orders? By the time you purchase them can be 14-17 days away from when they were cut at the farms. And the bargain flower vendors on the side of the road are even further away from the source. Those bouquets might only last a few days or come with outdated designs or be limited in get the picture.

When you want to buy a bouquet online, make sure you trust the source. The Bouqs Co. innovated the flower delivery process to better ensure you get sunshine and smiles when you order flowers. Our artisan-florists create modern, relevant designs, then our sustainable farms cut your stems and ship them directly to your doorstep. Everyone deserves kindness and the feeling you get when you know someone was thinking of you.

Blooms in the Media Capital of the World

“Beautiful Downtown Burbank” has long been ground zero for media studios. The media and entertainment production companies that call Burbank home are known by everyone that’s ever been a child: Walt Disney Studios, Warner Brothers Studios, The Cartoon Network west coast branch, and Nickelodeon Animation Studios. Burbank is also home to the Bob Hope international airport, a long-standing gateway into and out of Southern California.

Burbank is also close to a lot of nearby places to enjoy mother nature and see some gorgeous blooms. The LA Zoo and Griffith Park are just minutes away from Burbank and the stunning flowers of Descanso Gardens are just a few freeway exits away. With The Bouqs Co. headquartered just a few miles away, we can ensure your Burbank recipient receives fresh, long-lasting flowers that will put a smile on their face.

Can I Get Next-Day and Same-Day Delivery Near Me?

You sure can. Our flower bouquets with the same-day delivery badge on the picture are available for same-day delivery. Even if you missed our cut-off of noon (in your recipient's time zone) or same-day isn’t available at the moment, you can still select from our overnight delivery. If you're a person that likes to plan ahead, we’ve thought of you too! You can schedule flower delivery weeks or months in advance to make sure you never miss a special occasion.

Can I Send Flowers Around Burbank?

Absolutely. We offer flower delivery to all the areas around Burbank including Studio City, North Hollywood and the San Fernando Valley as well as Glendale, Silver Lake, and Echo Park. We can deliver to Pasadena and the San Gabriel Valley and all around the Los Angeles metropolitan area. We proudly call Los Angeles our home, and hope to spread some sunshine to your family, friends, and colleagues in Burbank.

Burbank Flowers

Burbank Symbolic Flower

Shasta daisy and fire poppy developed by founder Luther Burbank.

Botanical Gardens Near Burbank

Descanso Gardens 1418 Descanso Dr, La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91011

Flower Market Near Burbank

Downtown Los Angeles Flower Market 754 Wall St, Los Angeles, CA 90014

Flowers Endemic to Burbank

Night Blooming Cereus (epiphyllum oxypetalum), White Bladderflower (araujia sericifera), yellow jacaranda (tipuana tipu), Pink Mother of Thousands (kalanchoe)


Who Was Luther Burbank?

The city of Burbank was named after Luther Burbank. Burbank was a pioneer of botany, horticulture, and agricultural science. In his innovative career, he developed over 800 strains of flowers, fruits, grasses, and plants. Some of the flower varieties he developed include the fire poppy and Shasta daisy.

Will My Flowers Be Safe From the So Cal Summer Heat?

When you ship your flowers we package them in protective wrapping and then secure them in a durable box for their journey from the farm to your recipient. They can are perfectly safe from normal periods in the sun. But it's important to make sure your recipient is not on vacation or on a business trip as you wouldn’t want the blossoms to wait outdoors for days unattended.