
Flower Delivery Glendale, California

Farm-fresh bouquets shipped from high-quality farms to Glendale! We cut when you order ensuring you get the freshest flowers possible.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: TUE 03/18

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Do You Want to Send Flowers in Glendale, California?

Flower delivery should be a fun, easy process. But it doesn’t always work that way. Some florists create immaculate carnations but cost an arm and a leg. Other flower shops ship their flowers anywhere, but their flower arrangements come with outdated designs or the blossoms wilt soon after delivery. The traditional model also means up to 50% of stems get thrown away.

There has to be a better way right? The Bouqs Co. can solve your flower delivery problems! We've innovated how you send flowers today. By streaming the flower delivery pipeline, we cut out the middleman and eliminate days where flowers sit around waiting to be shipped or sold. This means you get more blooms for your buck when you order long-lasting blooms designed by our flower artists.

The Jewel City

Glendale has a lot of history. In the early 1900s, the local Chamber of Commerce President, Edward U. Emery, dubbed Glendale the Jewel City because it sparkles like a jewel in the sunlight. Today, Glendale attracts families looking to be close to the action with Disney, ESPN, IHOP, and Warner Brothers nearby, but also live in a relaxing city with great schools and close proximity to Griffith Park and, of course, the iconic Glendale Galleria and Americana shopping choices.

Kindness, Community, and the Environment

Health, wellness, and sustainability are important to Glendale’s diverse residents. Whole Foods on Glendale Ave remains a popular shopping destination for the health conscious. Energy-efficient homes provide glimpse of the future with Green World Realtors being one of the local innovators for sustainable homes. In North Glendale, Montrose Shopping Center has long supplied residents with great dining at affordable prices.

Glendale Flowers

Glendale Symbolic Flower

The California Poppy

Botanical Gardens Near Glendale

Descanso Gardens 1418 Descanso Dr La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011

Flower Market Near Glendale

Los Angeles Flower Market 754 Wall St, Los Angeles, CA 90014

Flowers Endemic to Glendale

Whispering Bells (Emmenanthe penduliflora), Coulter Snapdragon (Antirrhinum coulterianum), American Black Nightshade (Solanum americanum), Wide Throated Yellow Monkeyflower (Mimulus brevipes), California Sun Cup (Camissoniopsis bistorta), Prickly Popcorn Flower (Cryptantha muricata), Purple Clarkia Clarkia (purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera), Menzies' Fiddleneck (Amsinckia menziesii)


Do you deliver plants to Glendale?

Definitely. Owning plants has taken off during 2020 so even if you aren’t a green thumb, we have durable botanical options that are hearty and can survive.

Can I pick wild flowers in Glendale, California?

No. In California, it’s illegal to pick wild flowers so resist the urge to clip that California poppy. You can still snap plenty of photos for the ‘gram though.

Do you deliver dried flowers?

Yes, we have a brand new collection of bouquets available for dried flower delivery! Visit our dried collection for artisan-crafted bouquets that won’t wilt!

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