
Flower Delivery Santa Clarita, CA

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery throughout the Santa Clarita, CA area. Pick your favorite bouquet designed by expert florists to send flowers to Santa Clarita.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Purple Flower Arrangement with Lavender Roses, Ivory Roses, Pink Limonium, and Pink Mums

Purple Reign



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First Available: SAT 03/29

Do You Want to Send Flowers in Santa Clarita, CA?

Struggling with which florist to choose for Santa Clarita flower delivery? Whether this is your first time trying to find the best flowers online or you’ve had bad experiences with other places, you can rest easy when you choose The Bouqs Co.

Our gorgeous flowers are cut from the field after you order them, ensuring your loved one gets the freshest blooms. One exception is our striking Same-Day Bouqs, which are still fresh; they just aren’t shipped straight from the farm.

Show Kindness With Flowers

At The Bouqs Co., we believe in kindness, community, and flowers. A stunning arrangement is a lovely way to show kindness to anybody in your community.

Old Town Newhall Farmer’s Market

When you want fresh produce in Santa Clarita, you can’t beat the Old Town Newhall Farmer’s Market, which is held every Saturday from 8:30 to 1 in the Old Town Newhall Library parking lot.

Los Angeles County Wildflowers

People who live in Los Angeles County and love wildflowers are spoiled for choice when it comes to places to see them every spring. Between Los Angeles County and nearby Santa Barbara County, you can catch wildflowers at Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve, Arthur B. Ripley Desert Woodland State Park, Hungry Valley State Vehicular Recreation Area, Figueroa Mountain, and Santa Barbara Botanical Garden.

Santa Clarita Flowers

Santa Clarita Symbolic Flower

The California Poppy is the state’s official flower.

Botanical Gardens Near Santa Clarita

S. Mark Taper Life Science Botanical Garden 2700 Pierce Ln, Woodland Hills, CA 91367

Flower Market Near Santa Clarita

Rainbow Florist Designers 18980 Soledad Canyon Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91351

Flowers Endemic to Santa Clarita

California Fuchsia (Epilobium canum), Woolly Bluecurls (Trichostema lanatum), Foothill Penstemon (Penstemon heterophyllus), Scarlet Monkeyflower (Erythranthe cardinalis), Yerba Mansa (Anemopsis californica), Bush Monkey Flower (Mimulus aurantiacus), Bush Sunflower (Encelia californica)


Do You Offer Same-Day Flower Delivery in Santa Clarita?

Yes! When you order by noon Pacific Time, one of our local florist partners will hand-deliver a beautiful flower arrangement by the end of the day. When you have a little more time to plan ahead, we have an even wider variety of bouquets available.

Do You Ship Vases to California With the Flowers?

We don’t like waste, so we don’t send vases to people who may already have them. However, we do have add-on vases for your loved ones who don’t have one on hand.

What Time Will My Flowers Be Delivered?

FedEx delivers most of our fresh flowers by 8 p.m., while local florists deliver our Same-Day Bouqs by the end of the day.