
Flower Delivery Poughkeepsie, NY

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Poughkeepsie, NY. Pick your favorite artisan-crafted bouquet from our florists to send flowers to Poughkeepsie.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery


Do You Want to Send Flowers to Poughkeepsie, NY?

Are you wondering how to send flowers online? After all, you don’t want to risk sending flowers that arrive late or wilted.

Not to worry! At The Bouqs Co., our outstanding floral arrangements are made with farm-fresh flowers, and we can deliver as soon as the same day. Your flowers will look stunning and arrive on time for the occasion.

Choose Responsibly-Sourced Flowers

Hate waste? So do we! With the exception of our striking Same-Day Bouqs, we wait to cut your flowers until after you order them, resulting in much less waste than traditional methods of flower delivery.

Flowers in The Queen City of the Hudson

At The Bouqs Co., we know the Empire State is more than just the Big Apple. We deliver flowers all around the Hudson River Valley, including Poughkeepsie, Albany, Troy, Yonkers, Amsterdam, Cohoes, Glens Falls, Gloversville, Johnstown, Mechanicville, Hudson, Rensselaer, Saratoga Springs, and Schenectady.

Annual Summer Solstice Festival

Looking for something unique to do in Poughkeepsie? Every June, check out the annual Summer Solstice Festival at the Locust Grove Estate. This one-of-a-kind Night Market features artists, crafters, makers, taxidermists, psychics, magick makers, and the unusual who will be showcasing their talents and wares.

Poughkeepsie Flowers

Poughkeepsie Symbolic Flower

New York’s State Flower is the rose.

Botanical Gardens Near Poughkeepsie

Innisfree Garden 362 Tyrrel Rd, Millbrook, NY 12545

Flower Market Near Poughkeepsie

Bill Doran Company 5 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110

Flowers Endemic to Poughkeepsie

Downy Yellow Violet (Viola pubescens), Large-Flowered Bellwort (Uvularia grandiflora), Starflower (Trientalis borealis), Tall Meadow Rue (Thalictrum pubescens), Zig-Zag Aster (Symphyotrichum prenanthoides), Early Goldenrod (Solidago juncea)


Will My Flowers Be Safe from the Cold?

Yes. To protect flowers from the frigid New England winters, we wrap each bouquet in a protective sleeve before packing it in a sturdy box. However, we recommend bringing the flowers inside once you receive our email saying they’ve been delivered.

Do You Offer Same-Day Delivery in Poughkeepsie?

Yes! When you order by noon New York time, a local florist will hand-deliver a stunning floral arrangement by the end of the day. For an even wider selection, you can also choose next-day delivery.

Can You Deliver to Hospitals in New York?

Yes, we can deliver to hospitals. However, we can’t guarantee the flower arrangement will make it to your loved one’s room. Additionally, ICUs don’t accept any flower deliveries for patients or staff.