
Flower Delivery in Plano, TX

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Plano, TX. Send flowers online from our expert florists for same-day delivery in Plano.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: TUE 03/11

Do You Want to Send Flowers to Plano?

When you send flowers to a loved one, you brighten their day and let them know you care. However, finding great flowers is harder than it should be! Many florists source their flowers from a middleman, which means blooms can be over a week old before they arrive at your door. It’s no surprise these flowers only last a few days before they begin to fade.

The Bouqs Co. has modernized the flower delivery process to bring you truly farm-farm flowers! We ship our flowers straight from the farm, which means they don’t waste any time sitting in a warehouse. So order a bouquet or two and get ready to enjoy long-lasting flowers!

Do You Offer Same-Day Delivery to Plano?

Yes! For the moments when you need your flowers ASAP, you can choose from same-day and next-day delivery. We also allow you to schedule a delivery ahead of time so you never miss another special occasion.

Building Community

Flowers aren’t just beautiful — they’re a way to let others know you care about them. When you order flowers from The Bouqs Co. you’re sending smiles! And since we responsibly source our flowers, you can rest assured that your purchase helps build up farming families and communities.

True Texas

Situated in Northeast Texas, Plano is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metro Area. However, don’t let this city slip under the radar of its two larger neighbors. Downtown Plano is filled with energy from restaurants, shops, and the people that fill the sidewalks. While the area is flat, it has its fair share of gorgeous parks and trails. Plus, there are fun exhibits like the Heritage Farm Museum and Crayola Experience.

Your Plano Florist

Looking for roses for Valentine’s Day? We have some of the freshest in Plano. Want to find a unique bouquet for your mother or sister? We can help with that too! Our expert florists have created flower arrangements for everyone on your list. When you need to make a flower order online, we've got you covered for every occasion.

Where Can I Send Flowers in the DFW Metro Area?

We offer flower delivery throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth Metro Area, including all of Plano! We’re happy to deliver flowers to offices, private residences, funeral homes, nursing homes, and more! As long as a location is currently accepting deliveries, we can deliver flowers.

Plano Flowers

Plano Symbolic Flower

Bluebonnet is the Texas State Flower.

Botanical Gardens Near Plano

Plano Community Garden 4030 W Plano Pkwy, Plano, TX 75093

Grapevine Botanical Gardens at Heritage Park 411 Ball St, Grapevine, TX 76051

Flower Market Near Plano

Berries Floral 803 S Sherman St, Richardson, TX 75081

Flowers Endemic to Plano

Clasping-coneflower (Dracopis amplexicaulis), Drummond's phlox (Phlox drummondii), Butterfly-weed (Asclepias tuberosa), Blue larkspur (Delphinium carolinianum), Maximilian sunflower (Helianthus maximiliani), Giant goldenrod (Solidago canadensis)


Will My Flowers Be Safe From the Plano Heat?

We know that Plano summers can get hot. Really hot. We package all of our flowers in a protective sleeve and box to offer a shield from the heat. However, we recommend you bring your flowers inside ASAP. We’ll send you an email when your flowers arrive so you know to bring them in!

Do You Deliver to States Beside Texas?

You bet. While we love the Lone Star State, we also deliver to all 48 states in the continental United States.

Do You Deliver Plants to Plano?

Yes! We offer cacti, succulents, and more for delivery to Plano.