
Flower Delivery Paris, TX

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery throughout the Paris, TX area. Pick your favorite bouquet designed by expert florists to send flowers to Paris.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: THU 03/27

3 Month Subscription: Farmer’s Market



Do You Want to Send Same-Day Flowers to Paris, TX?

Your friend’s baby came early? Your partner got a promotion? Somebody did something special and you want to thank them? Life happens fast, and same-day flower delivery is a wonderful way to celebrate those important moments, even from afar.

When you’re searching for floral arrangements online and need those flowers fast, count on The Bouqs Co. When you order by noon in your recipient's time zone, we can deliver beautiful bouquets by the end of the day.

Celebrate Your Community With Flowers

We’re all about community at The Bouqs Co. Flowers can celebrate every member of your community for any occasion. Whatever message you want to send, say it with flowers, from “Thank you” to “Congratulations” to “I’m sorry” to “I love you.”

Check Out the Paris Festival of Pumpkins

Every October, be sure to visit the Paris Festival of Pumpkins. In addition to downtown stores offering special savings, there are free kids’ activities, pumpkin decorating events, a costume contest, and plenty of vendors selling treats like corn dogs, kettle corn, and funnel cakes.

Lamar County Flowers

The Bouqs Co. delivers flowers all around Lamar County, including Reno, Deport, Blossom, Toco, Roxton, and Sun Valley. We also deliver to Dallas, Shreveport, Oklahoma City, and across the United States.

Paris Flowers

Paris Symbolic Flower

Texas selected the Bluebonnet as the state flower in 1901.

Botanical Gardens Near Paris

The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden 8525 Garland Rd, Dallas, TX 75218

Flower Market Near Paris

David Kimmel Design 3500 Easy St, Dallas, TX 75247

Flowers Endemic to Paris

Daylily “Jungle Princess” (Hemerocallis), Crape Jasmine (Tabernaemontana divaricata), Eastern Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), Fan Flower (Scaevola aemula), Lanceleaf Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata)


Do You Send Flowers to Hospitals in Paris, TX?

Yes, we can send flowers to hospitals in Paris, TX. Our local florist partners can deliver Same-Day Bouqs to the front desk, while FedEx delivers the rest of our bouquets to the mailroom. We can’t guarantee your flowers will make it to your recipient’s room. Also, note that each hospital may have its own rules regarding flowers, and no ICUs accept flowers for patients or staff.

Is Picking Wildflowers Legal in Paris, TX?

Yes, picking wildflowers on public property is legal in Texas. However, some exceptions exist. You can’t pick flowers on private property or at state parks, and your vehicle can’t block traffic for you to pick flowers from the side of the road.

Do You Sell Plants in Paris, TX?

Yes! For your loved ones who have a green thumb, we have a fantastic selection of plants. Send an orchid to your best friend, a succulent to your sister, and a dragon plant to your dad.