
Flower Delivery in Fort Lauderdale

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Fort Lauderdale, FL. Send flowers online from our expert florists for same-day delivery in Fort Lauderdale.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: THU 03/27

Sending Flowers to Fort Lauderdale, FL

When it comes time to send flowers to a Fort Lauderdale friend or family member, you have a lot of options. If you’re a local, you can grab a sad-looking bouquet off the street or from the grocery store. And if you live outside the city, you can browse through the outdated arrangements available online. None of those options sound like fun, do they?

The Bouqs Co. thinks ordering flowers online should be easy and fun! To make this happen, we’ve designed some incredible arrangements that you can order through our online store. Plus, we source all of your flowers from sustainable farms, so you receive fresh and long-lasting blooms.

Can I Order Same-Day Flower Delivery in Fort Lauderdale?

If you find that you need flowers ASAP, we can help. Just be sure to order by noon Eastern Time.

A Budding Community

While Fort Lauderdale is already a strong community, we think sending flowers will only strengthen these bonds. When you send flowers, you let someone know you care about them. Plus, since all of our flowers are responsibly sourced from sustainable farms, ordering flowers from The Bouqs Co. helps you support the flower farming community.

Beaches and Blooms

Situated on the Southeast Florida coast, Fort Lauderdale is filled with opportunities to enjoy the sun and water. While its sandy beaches are the main attraction, the many canals also provide opportunities to boat, fish, and birdwatch. When it comes time to escape the hot summer sun, you can head to one of the many AC-filled restaurants or the Museum of Science and Discovery.

Fort Lauderdale Florist

If you’re looking for a new Fort Lauderdale florist, choose The Bouqs Co.! Our expert floral designers have created arrangements ranging from modern takes on Valentine's Day roses to tropical bouquets that jive with Fort Lauderdale’s energy. You’ll find something to please your mom, neighbor, BFF, partner, and every other special person in your life!

Where Can I Send Flowers Around Southeast Florida?

We offer flower delivery throughout all of Fort Lauderdale as well as the rest of Southeast Florida. Some of the areas we deliver to include Wilton Manors, Plantation, Coral Springs, and Hollywood. We can also help you send flowers to someone in Miami, Tampa, or Orlando.

Fort Lauderdale Flowers

Fort Lauderdale Symbolic Flower

Florida has two official flowers. Unsurprisingly the blossom of the orange tree (Citrus sinensis) is the official cultivated flower. The official wildflower are variants of the genus coreopsis.

Botanical Gardens Near Fort Lauderdale

Flamingo Gardens 3750 S Flamingo Rd, Davie, FL 33330

Flower Market in Fort Lauderdale

Allied Growers, Inc. 335 W Cypress Creek Rd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Flowers Endemic to Fort Lauderdale

Coreopsis (Coreopsis spp.), Wax Begonia (Begonia semperflorens), Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.), Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus Also known as vinca), Canna Lily (Canna spp.)


What is the Florida State Flower?

The orange blossom! If you’ve never smelled these sweet flowers, you’re missing out.

Where are Florida Oranges Grown?

While the orange blossom is a beauty in its own right, the tasty fruit is what we are really after. People grow oranges throughout Florida, but farmers produce the majority of oranges in Central Florida. And if you didn’t know, oranges are ready to pick in the winter!

Do I Need to Worry About My Flowers in the Fort Lauderdale Heat?

Good question! We pack our flowers in a proactive sleeve and box to provide some protection from the heat and humidity. We’ll also email you once your flowers arrive so you can bring them inside ASAP. If they look a little wilted, just place them in some water and they’ll perk right back up.

What Fort Lauderdale Locations Do You Deliver Flowers To?

We can deliver flowers to nursing homes, offices, private residences, funeral homes, and more! As long as a location is currently accepting deliveries, we can deliver them flowers.