
Flower Delivery Sedona, AZ

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Sedona, AZ. Send flowers online from our expert florists for same-day delivery in Sedona.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




Subscribe for 30% off + free shipping
First Available: TUE 04/01

3 Month Subscription: Farmer’s Market



Looking for Flower Delivery in Sedona, AZ?

Are you in search of fresh flower delivery in Sedona? You can’t beat the farm-fresh flowers from The Bouqs Co.!

Since we’ve cut out middlemen and work directly with eco-friendly farmers, we can get flowers from the field to you or your loved one’s table faster, fresher, and with less waste than other flower delivery companies. Choose The Bouqs Co. for the best floral arrangements in Arizona.

Find Flexible Gifting With a Flower Subscription

Do you love sending beautiful flowers for every occasion? If so, you’ll appreciate the flexible flower subscription offered by The Bouqs Co. How does it work?

  • Choose how often you want flower deliveries. It can be as often as every week or as little as every other month.

  • Select who you want each flower delivery to go to. You can change the recipient for each delivery!

  • Pick which size Bouq you want to send.

  • Schedule up to 3 deliveries in advance.

  • Gain access to exclusive Bouqs only available to subscribers.

  • Get free shipping on every order, up to 30% off each Bouq, and exclusive discounts on one-time orders.

  • Skip, cancel, or pause your subscription any time after your first order.

Flowers in the Grand Canyon State

The Bouqs Co. delivers farm-fresh flowers throughout Sedona, including Uptown, the Village of Oak Creek, Oak Creek Canyon, and West Sedona. We also deliver throughout Arizona, including Phoenix, Flagstaff, Tucson, Scottsdale, and Tempe.

Sedona Flowers

Sedona Symbolic Flower

There’s a hybrid rose called a Sedona. It has warm colors reminiscent of the high desert sunsets and craggy red bluffs around the city.

Botanical Gardens in Sedona

Sedona Botanical Garden Pocket Park 10 Arroyo Pinon Dr, Sedona, AZ 86336

Flower Market in Sedona

Mayesh Wholesale Florist Inc. North Phoenix Branch 1805 W Crest Ln, Phoenix, AZ 85027

Flowers Endemic to Sedona

Desert Marigold, Sunflower, Cliffrose, Fleabane, Desert Willow, Evening-Scented Stock, Antelope Horns, Scarlet Creeper, Mexican Gold Poppy


Will My Flowers Be Safe From the Heat?

Yes. We carefully wrap each Bouq in a protective sleeve before placing it in a sturdy box to protect it from the weather. We’ll also send you an email when the flowers are delivered so you know to bring them inside.

Do You Sell Plants in Arizona?

We do! Your friends and family will love our foliage. We have ficus, ferns, succulents, philodendrons, peace lilies, calathea, monstera, ponytail palms, orchids, snake plants, ZZ plants, money trees, and more.

Do You Offer Same-Day Delivery in Sedona?

Yes! We offer same-day flower delivery on select bouquets and next-day delivery across Arizona when you order by noon in your recipient's time zone.