
Flower Delivery Salt Lake City

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Salt Lake City, UT. Pick your favorite artisan-crafted bouquet from our florists to send flowers to Salt Lake City.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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Sending Flowers to Salt Lake City, UT

Situated amidst mountains and canyons, Salt Lake City is no stranger to natural beauty. We’ve taken a note from these gorgeous Utah landscapes and created beautiful farm-fresh flower arrangements. And what’s even better is that we deliver flowers throughout the Salt Lake City metro area. It’s our goal to be the best Salt Lake City Florist!

Blooming in Salt Lake City, Utah

With so much to do, it’s no surprise that SLC’s population has soared in recent years. The strong economy plus the nearby ski resorts and hiking trails draw in many people, but you don’t even need to leave the city limits to get a glimpse of Utah’s natural beauty. Liberty Park is the city’s largest public park with over 80 acres of gardens, lawns, and sports courts. It’s a great place to enjoy a picnic and spend some time relaxing.

Another beautiful place to visit is the International Peace Gardens in Jordan Park. Numerous nation-groups are provided with a garden space which they plant and decorate with plants and flowers from their representative country. With so much green space, it's easy to find flowers in Salt Lake City!

Same-Day and Next-Day Flower Delivery

If there’s one thing for certain, it’s that people of all backgrounds and beliefs love flowers! We make it easy to send flowers online today to all of your Salt Lake City loved ones with same-day and next-day flower delivery. Plus, we deliver flowers to zip codes and locations throughout the Salt Lake City area. Some places we offer flower delivery include South Jordan, West Jordan, North Salt Lake, Park City, West Valley City, Triad Center, and Ogden.

Our delivery drivers are happy to deliver to locations including business offices near Temple Square, student housing at the University of Utah, and homes in Murray. We also deliver flowers to nearby cities including Denver, Las Vegas, and Boise.

Expert Florists and Fresh Flowers

Along with offering speedy delivery, we also offer a wide variety of flower arrangements! We can help you find flowers for every special occasion whether that means spring flowers for Mother’s Day, roses for Valentine’s Day, or birthday flowers that spark a celebration.

Our talented local florists create all sorts of floral arrangements, so you have a wide variety of options to choose from. If your recipient will love a modern bouquet, you can find it! And if you're looking for sympathy flowers or funeral flowers, you can find a flower arrangement that will ease your loved one's pain. If you need assistance searching through our products, we're happy to help.

Salt Lake City Flowers

Salt Lake City Symbolic Flower

The Sego Lily is Utah's Official State flower.

Botanical Gardens Near Salt Lake City

Red Butte Garden 300 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108

Flower Market Near Salt Lake City

Ensign Wholesale Floral 2985 S 300 W, South Salt Lake, UT 84115

Flowers Endemic to Salt Lake City

Elephant's Head, Mountain Bluebell, Silvery Lupine, Utah Columbine, Sego Lily, Indian Paintbrush


When will my flowers arrive?

We can't provide an exact time that your flowers will arrive. However, you can track their progress! Once you order flowers, you'll receive a tracking number. You can use this number to follow along on your flowers' journey from the farm to your recipient.

What is the Utah state flower?

The Utah state flower is the sego lily. This little white flower has edible bulbs that pioneers ate.

Will my flowers come with a vase?

It's up to you! You can choose a vase to go along with your bouquet. Or can you simply order fresh flowers and let your loved one use a vase they already own.