
Flower Delivery in New Orleans, LA

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to New Orleans, LA. Send flowers online from our expert florists for same-day delivery in New Orleans.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: TUE 03/04

3 Month Subscription: Farmer’s Market



Do You Want To Send Flowers to New Orleans?

When it comes time to send flowers to someone in New Orleans, your options can seem overwhelming! It can take a while to wade through all the florists and flower shops to find somewhere that delivers flowers how you want when you want.

So stop your searching and choose The Bouqs Co. for your New Orleans flower needs. We responsibly source our flowers from sustainable farms so you receive truly farm-fresh flowers. Plus, we deliver through all of NOLA.

Can I Order Same-Day or Next-Day Flower Delivery?

We make it easy to get your flowers ASAP. Ordering flowers is as easy as selecting the Bouq you love and then entering your recipient’s zip code and your desired delivery date. If you’re trying to plan ahead so you don’t miss another birthday or anniversary, you can schedule a flower delivery for a future date.

Beautiful Flowers for Every Special Occasion

There’s no such thing as showing too much kindness. That’s why we offer a boo-coo of Bouqs so you can find flowers for every occasion. Our florists create arrangements ranging from modern to elegant to classic. That means you’ll have no problem finding birthday flowers, a bouquet for Mother’s Day, or a special arrangement for Valentine’s Day.

Blooms in The Big Easy

Along with Mardi Gras, gorgeous architecture, and jazz, New Orleans is also home to quite a few fantastic gardens. The Longue Vue House and Gardens in Lakeview boast manicured grounds and stunning plants. The New Orleans Botanical Garden in City Park includes collections of orchids, cacti, and wildflowers.

Your Local New Orleans Florist

New Orleans is a city that’s full of life, and we aim to offer flowers that capture this spirit. Not only are our flowers farm-fresh and long-lasting, but our customer service is as sweet as a beignet.

Where Can I Send Flowers in NOLA?

We offer flower delivery throughout NOLA. Some of the areas we deliver to include the French Quarter, Mid-City, Algiers, Gentilly, and St. Claude. We also offer flower delivery to nearby cities and towns such as Metairie, Gretna, and Slidell. If you’re in New Orleans but wishing to send flowers to a loved one outside of the city, we can help with that too. Some of the Southern cities we deliver to include Birmingham, Atlanta, and Nashville.

Flowers in Mardi Gras

There’s no celebration quite like Mardi Gras. While you might be able to find some fresh flowers during parades, you don’t want to miss the flowers artists construct from poster board, wire, paper mache, and more. These flowers are often reused year to year with a few touch-ups in between. While most flowers are about a foot in diameter, artists once built a ten-foot replica of the Louisiana state flower, the magnolia.

New Orleans Flowers

New Orleans Symbolic Flower

The fleur-de-lis (French for “flower of the lily”) is the symbol of New Orleans.

Botanical Gardens in New Orleans

New Orleans Botanical Garden 5 Victory Ave, New Orleans, LA 70119

Flower Market in New Orleans

Pike's Peak of New Orleans 5418 Powell St, New Orleans, LA 70123

Flowers Endemic to New Orleans

Sunflower, Oakleaf hydrangea, Crape Myrtle, Sweetbay Magnolia, Lantana, Golden raintree, Rose of Sharon


Do You Deliver Flowers to Funeral Homes?

When it’s time to console someone on the passing of their loved one, we’re happy to deliver to funeral homes. Some homes we deliver to include Gertrude Geddes Willis Funeral Home and Tharp Sontheimer Funeral Home.

Can I Track My Order?

After you place your order, you will receive a confirmation email. Once we ship your flowers, we’ll send another email with a tracking number you can use to follow along on your flower’s journey.

Do You Sell Plants?

Yes, we do! If you’d like to send a potted plant instead of cut flowers, we can help. We offer plant delivery throughout New Orleans.