
Flower Delivery Huntington Beach, CA

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to Huntington Beach, CA. Send flowers online from our expert florists for same-day delivery in Huntington Beach.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: TUE 03/18

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Do You Want Flowers Delivered in Huntington Beach?

Choosing the best flower shop in Huntington Beach doesn’t need to be stressful. While there may seem to be plenty of places to choose from, only one has everything you need.

When you want farm-fresh, responsibly-sourced flowers with next-day or even same-day delivery, The Bouqs Co. has you covered. We cut our flowers after you order them, so they don’t sit around wilting while waiting to be delivered.

Fresh Flowers Fast

With The Bouqs Co., you can get the brightest blooms and the freshest flowers delivered to Huntington Beach as soon as the same day when you order by noon Pacific Time. Have a little more time before you need them? Choose next-day delivery or plan birthday flowers months in advance for the best selection when you buy a flower bouquet online.

Orange County Cherry Blossom Festival

Every March, get a taste of Japanese culture and see the beautiful blooms at the Orange County Cherry Blossom Festival, held in Huntington Beach, California. With a night market, arts and crafts, activities, and other entertainment, this is one event you don’t want to miss!

Flowers in Surf City, USA

While both Huntington Beach and Santa Cruz claim to be Surf City, USA, only Huntington Beach holds the trademark for the name. After all, Huntington Beach was the setting for the legendary surf novel, Tapping the Source, the inspiration for the film Point Break. The Bouqs Co. delivers beautiful bouquets all around both cities, so you can send gorgeous flowers to your loved ones in either Surf City.

Huntington Beach Flowers

Huntington Beach Symbolic Flower

The California poppy, with its bright orange leaves, is the aptly chosen state flower.

Botanical Gardens Near Huntington Beach

Secret Garden in Central Park 18381 Goldenwest St, Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Flower Market Near Huntington Beach

Wholesale Flower Place 11533 Slater Ave E, Fountain Valley, CA 92708

Flowers Endemic to Huntington Beach

Giant Coreopsis (Leptosyne gigantea), Bristly Matilija Poppy (Romneya trichocalyx), Stream Orchid (Epipactis gigantea), Malva Rosa (Malva assurgentiflora), Red Bush Monkeyflower (Mimulus aurantiacus var. puniceus), California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica), Western False Indigo (Amorpha fruticosa)


Do You Sell Plants in California?

Yes! At The Bouqs Co., we love greenery as much as we love flowers. We have a wide selection of plants, including orchids, snake plants, succulents, ferns, flamingo plants, and more. answer

What Time Will the Flowers Be Delivered?

FedEx delivers most of our Bouqs by 8 p.m., while our local florist partners deliver Same-Day Bouqs by the end of the day.

Where Can I Send Flowers Around Huntington Beach?

You can send flowers anywhere around Huntington Beach, including Sunset Beach, Huntington Harbor, Golden West, Bolsa Chica, Downtown Huntington Beach, and Seacliff.