
Flower Delivery in College Station

The Bouqs Co. simplifies flower delivery to College Station, TX. Send flowers online from our expert florists for same-day delivery in College Station.

Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery

Peach and Yellow Rose Bouquet with Carnations, Alstromeria and Snapdragons




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First Available: THU 03/27

3 Month Subscription: Farmer’s Market



Are You Looking for Modern Flower Delivery in College Station?

Buying flowers used to mean going to the store or grabbing a bouquet off a roadside stand. The problem with these options is you have no idea about the flowers’ history! They may have spent days aging in a warehouse or hours baking away in the hot Texas sun. We probably don’t need to tell you this, but these flowers aren’t going to last long.

If you’re looking for long-lasting flowers, The Bouqs Co. is here for you! We source our flowers from sustainable farms and then ship them to your College Station door. That means they don’t spend any time wasting away in a warehouse or the back of a store.

Can I Order Same-Day Flower Delivery to College Station?

For the moments when you need flowers ASAP, we offer same-day and next-day delivery. Enter your recipient’s zip code and your desired delivery date to see what items are available. If you’re worried about missing a big event or holiday, we suggest ordering ahead. You’ll have the widest selection of flowers to choose from and your flowers will arrive on time.

Farm-Fresh Flowers

We responsibly source our flowers from sustainable farms in places including California and Ecuador. Since we know where our flowers are coming from, we can ensure they’re up to our quality standards. But we’re concerned about more than beauty! We also check in about sustainable growing practices and worker conditions.

Home of the Aggies

As its name suggests, College Station is heavily influenced by Texas A&M University. With the second-largest student body in the US, the Aggies play a big role in this Texas City. Residents can also enjoy the university by catching a sports game, listening to speakers, or touring the campus gardens.

College Station Florist

Our florists have created arrangements for everyone in your life! We have classic bouquets for Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day as well as eclectic and modern birthday flowers. And when it comes time to send sympathy flowers, we have bouquets that show the grieving you care. We’re also prepared to help you celebrate graduations from Texas A&M, new homes, and anniversaries.

Where Can I Send Flowers Around the Texas Triangle?

We deliver flowers throughout College Station. We can help you send a bouquet to a student dorm room on campus, homes in Southwood Valley, and offices in Bryan. Our delivery area also includes other Texas cities such as Austin and Houston.

College Station Flowers

College Station Symbolic Flower


Botanical Gardens Near College Station

The Gardens at Texas A&M University 578 John Kimbrough Blvd, College Station, TX 77845

Flower Market Near College Station

Southern Floral Co 1313 W 20th St, Houston, TX 77008

Flowers Endemic to College Station

Giant spiderwort, pink evening primrose, butterfly weed, gray goldenrod, Texas bluebonnet


What Types of Flowers Do You Sell in College Station?

We have so many varieties of flowers available! We’ve got the classics such as roses, lilies, and tulips as well as more modern takes. With single-variety arrangements as well as mixed bouquets, you’re sure to find something you love.

Do You Sell Plants to College Station?

We do! Houseplants are the perfect way to add some life to a dorm room or small office. We carry plants such as succulents, orchids, and anthuriums. And better yet, we can send all of them to College Station, TX!

What Time Will My Flowers Be Delivered?

We can’t give you an exact delivery time, but we will provide you with updates and estimates. You’ll receive an email when you place an order and after your flowers ship. We’ll also send you a final email when your blooms arrive.